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Without Reserve,
Messrs. BANGS & CO.,
No. 739 and 741 BROADWAY, NEW YORK,
Th ursday & Friday,
January 15th and 16th, 1885,
Catalogue by H. P. SMITH, 269 West 5 2d Street.
1 1
8 1
2 16
48 52
1 1
1 1
/ L i
J8 3
<£l'(o 9
c3 ii
1705 Russia: Peter the Great: Kopecks: all different: very
good; 3 pcs.
1790 Katherin II.: Five Kopecks; very fine
1796 Same, except date; fine
1803 Alexander I.: Five Kopecks: uncirculated; partially
1803 Duplicate; very fine
1748 etc. One (5), Two (2), Three (4), Five (3), Kopecks:
good lot; 14 pcs.
1778 etc. Siberia: One, Two, Five and Ten Kopecks:
wolves supporting shield: this set cost the owner $4:
fine; 4 pcs.
1715 etc. Sweden: Baron Goertz: Dalers: all different:
very good lot; 10 pcs.
1715 etc. Same: full set: fine; 11 pcs.
1627, ’46 Gustavus Adol.: Half Or and Christina One Or:
latter size 30: very good; 2 pcs.
1635 to 1875 Various coins: large and small: no duplicates:
includes some Dalers: very good lot; 23 pcs.
1723 Frederick: Four Dalers: four counterstamps at
corners and value in centre: all sharp: weighs 6 lb. 12 oz. :
9fxl0f in.; very fine
1727 Another: same denomination: weight 6 lb. 10 oz. 9£x
10 in.; very fine
1747 Same: One Daler: weighs 26 oz.: 5^x.5f in.; very fine
I (0 ©15
/ b 0 16
/ *fS 17
*2* 20
5 21
; 25
L 26
/• 28
/0 32
c>o 34
3/ 39
1731 Same: Half Daler: weighs 12 oz.: 2fx3| in.; fine
1736 Same: Half Daler: weight 13^ oz.: 3^x4^ in.; fine
1754 Adolphus Frederick: Half Daler: weight 12 oz. : 3x4^
in.; fine
1757 Same: Half Daler: weight 11 oz.: 3|x3fin.; fine
1714 Portugal: John V. : Three Reis; very fine
1714 Same King: Ten Reis; very good
1813 etc. Forty Reis: thick coins: very fair; 4 pcs.
1754 etc. Same and Colonies : Five to Eighty Reis : thin
and thick planehets: good to uncirculated; 25 pcs.
1860 Portuguese Guinea: Half Macuta ; very good
1830 etc. Guernesey: One, Two, Four and Eight (both sizes)
Doubles: fine; 5 pcs.
1830 etc. 1, 2, 4 and 8 Doubles : very good set ; 4 pcs.
1830 etc. One (3) Four (3) Doubles : good ; 6 pcs.
1813 Demerary, etc.: One (2), Half (2), Stivers : fine ;
4 pcs.
1798 etc. Isle of Man: Penny, Half-pennies and Farthings:
very fair lot ; 5 pcs.
1853 etc. States of Jersey: (2), ^ (2), -^3 (4), TV (2),
of a Shilling : very fine ; 10 pcs.
1828 Greece: One, Five (2), and Ten Lepta: fine lot;
4 pcs.
Burmah: Quarter Anna: peacock: nicked; good
1840 etc. Uruguay: 2, 4, 5, 20 Centesimos: Centavo of
Chile: fine lot ; 5 pcs.
1870 Paraguay: 4 Centesimos; fine
1828 etc. Zacatecas, Jalisco, Octavos: J Real of Chihuahua:
fine lot; 3 pcs.
1832 etc. Mexico (2), Chihuahua (3): £ Real: Buenos
Ayres, Decimo: very fair; 6 pcs.
Porto Rico, Cayenne, Olmedo, etc.: Tokens : very good ;
11 pcs.
1840 etc. Buenos Ayres: 1 and 2 Reals : good y 3 pcs.
1852 Venezuela: Centavo; fine
1880 Honduras: Centavo: trifle weak : uncir. ; bright
1788 Barbadoes: Penny: pineapple: cleaned ; v. good
1791 Sierra Leone: One Cent : nicked; good
1863 etc. Hong Kong, Straits Settlements: Cents: fine;
3 pcs.
43 1281 A. H. Tunis: 1, 4 and 8 Caroubs: fine; 3 pcs.
44 1584 etc. France: Lairds and Double Tournois: good
lot ; 8 pcs.
J 45 1814,’ 15 Siege of Strasburg: Declines: L and N crowned:
good; 2 pcs.
46 1791 etc. 1 and 2 Sous: Decime: and 5 Centimes: fine;
5 pcs.
Jy^47 1791 Monneron: 2 Sous: nicked; very fine
^48 1791 Monneron: 5 Sous; very fine ,
*2. 49 1870 Napoleon III. : Satirical 5 and 10 Centimes: owl on
cannon and thunderbolts: all different : uncirculated,
splendid lot; 4 pcs.
J 50 1862 Centimes: uncirculated, partially bright; 25 pcs.
?’ 51 (1406) Spain: Henry III. : 4 Maravedis: like most all early
# Spanish coppers, not sharply struck ; very good
52 1602 etc. Philip III.: 8 Maravedis: good ; 3 pcs.
V L 53 1626 etc. Philip IIII. : 8 and 16 Maravedis: fine; 3 pcs.
; 54 1719 Philip Y. : 4 Maravedis ; fine
/3 55 1777 etc. Charles III., Ferd. VII.: 2, 4, 8 Maravedis : very
good lot; 3 pcs.
$56 1870 Republic: 1, 2 5, 10 Centimos: uncirculated; 4 pcs.
J/57 1870 Same, lacking 2 Centimos, with Alfonso XII.: 5 Centi¬
mos: fine; 4 pcs.
$58 1857 Ionian Islands: % Farthing; very good
59 1808 etc. Westphalia and France: 2, 5, 10 Centimes: very
fair; 6 pcs.
#60 1873 Andorra: a small republic between France and Spain,
of 12,000 population: 10 Centimos; uncirculated and brill¬
61 (1532) Masserano: Louis II.: bust right: rev., St. Theones
seated: fine; patinated
62 1808 etc. Italy: Napoleon: 3 Centesimi (2), Soldo (2): all
different: good (2), very fine (2); 4 pcs.
63 1836 etc. Papal Soldo (3), Baicco (3), 4 Soldi or 20 Centesi¬
mi: very fair to very fine; 7 pcs.
64 1825 etc. Sicily: Tornesi Dieci: very good; 2 pcs.
<5© 65 1810 Murat Napoleon: 3 Grana; very good
66 1761 etc. Austria and Hungary: Maria Theresa (2), Francis
' I. and II.: Kreutzers: fine; 4 pcs.
<ji 67 1798 Java: 2 Stuivers : Bar Money : date not well up ;
otherwise very fine
^°68 1766, ’89 Dutch East India Co.: 1, 2 Stuivers: round and
thick: very good / 2 pcs.
43 69 India: Bar Money: native characters: size 9x12; very good
1 ! 70 Various : thick planchets: small and medium sizes: all dif¬
ferent: native characters: one has a well-defined balloon
on it: very good lot; 10 pcs.
71 Another lot: thinner planchets: only one duplicate: one has
wild elephant and tiger on it: fair to very fine; 26 pcs.
H- 72 1835 East India Co.: Half (2) and TV Anna: uncirculated,
red; 3 pcs.
73 1803 etc. Same: X, XX Cash: Half Anna: Cents, etc. : very
good lot; 17 pcs.
Jo 74 1790 etc. Malaca (Rooster): Sumatra, Java, Caracas, etc.:
Kepengs: very good lot; 8 pcs.
75 1277 A. H. Egypt: 20 and 40 Paras: silvered: very good
lot; 24 pcs.
76 1255 A. H. Turkey: 1, 5 (6), 10, 20, 40 Paras: very good /
10 pcs.
- 77 (1625) England: James I.: Irish Farthing; very good
4^78 1649 Charles I.: Farthing; very good
79 1675 Carolus A. Carolo: Farthing; very fine
/ , 80 1665 etc. Same: varieties: good; 3 pcs.
(1714 ) Anna Pattern Halfpenny : bust to left: rev., Brit¬
annia seated beneath crown; good
1694 William and Mary: Halfpennies:
rough: very good to very fine; 2 pcs.
1797 George III.: Twopence: weight 2 oz.
84 1797 Duplicate; very good
85 1797 Duplicates: edges abused: fair; 2 pcs.
35 86 1797 Penny: weight 1 oz.: nicks; fine
11 87 1797 Duplicates: fair; 2 pcs.
1732 etc. Various Farthings: fine lot; 8 pcs.
89 1826 etc. Geo. IIII: Halfpenny and Farthings: very fine;
3 pcs.
90 1843 etc. \ ictoria, Half-J arthings and a model: very good
to uncirculated; 8 pcs.
91 One Penny Model: white centres: very fine; 5 pcs.
/ / *81
/ (r~o82
planchets trille
nicks; fine
3© 92
£ 94
■3 100
-0 <r'«i 06
/ 107
3 no
/ 112
■g 117
1689 James II. Gun Money: Half-Crowns: Mar. and Sept.:
very good; 2 pos.
1689-90 Same: Shillings: Jan.: Apr.: fair to fine; 3 pcs.
James II. etc.: Money weights: fine; 6 pcs.
God Preserve London: shield: rev., elephant: fair; 2 pcs.
1280 etc. A. H. Morocco: Flu : good to fine; 15 pcs.
Another lot: Half Flu: about same; 15 pcs.
Quarter Flu: same; 10 pcs.
Russia: Greece: Austria: Canada: England : etc. : small and
large coin: uncirculated: with few exceptions bright red;
50 pcs.
Another lot: same condition; 65 pcs.
Odds and ends: all different: very good lot; 35 pcs.
Canada : Lesslie & Sons : Halfpenny tokens: fair to fine:
3 pcs.
1815 Magdalen Island Penny : seal: rev., dried codfish;
1815 etc. Starr and Shannon : Rutherford Bros. : T. S.
Brown & Co. and bust to right : very fair to fine ; 4 pcs.
1815 Miles W. White, Halifax: Halfpenny: on bbl. head
spikes and nails; fine
Montreal and Lachine Rail Road Co.: Third Class: beaver
and locomotive; fine
1855 Prince Edward Island: Cents: good; 2 pcs.
1833 Upper Canada: Halfpenny: cutter-rigged Sloop: obv.,
anvil, shovel, spade, etc.: brass; very good
1857 Bank of Upper Canada: Halfpenny and Penny : un¬
circulated; 2 pcs.
Un Sou Tokens: poor to very good; 46 pcs.
Miscellaneous Canadian: large and small : poor to fine;
225 pcs.
Another lot: same; 225 pcs.
Still another lot: same; 225 pcs.
1837 Feuchtwanger’s Cents: very good; 10 pcs.
1837 U. S. Bank Tokens: numerous varieties: poor to fine ;
50 pcs.
Another lot : same ; 50 pcs.
Duplicate lot: same; 41 pcs.
1821 Peale’s Museum : Admission Card : bust of Peale to
left ; very fine
■3^ 119 1828 Will. J. Mullen: bust to left: rev., Fame crowning
dial manufacturer; very fine
•2,120 1866 Eagle on Shield: rev., Springfield Antiquarians; very
•£✓121 Wm. G. Jones: Card: dark; fine
&122 R. B. Ruggles {by Bale): Bucklin: head 1. J & C Peck:
Starbuck and Son: cards: fair to fine; 5 pcs.
3 123 Hard Rubber Cards: round and oval: very fine; 11 pcs.
•£ 124 Old Store Cards, many varieties: mostly size of the old cop¬
per cent: poor to bright and uncirculated; 111 pcs.
/ 125 Speil Marks, etc., many sizes: mostly brass: poor to very
fine; 93 pcs.
J 126 Ferreotypes: Lincoln, Douglas, etc. : fine; 5 pcs.
**127 Castings from scarce ancient coin : Sheckel, Demetrius
Tetr. Arsinoe, Philadephus, etc.; 9 pcs.
: f128 Castings from rare Colonials; Curency Dol. 1785 Immune,
NewYorke in America, 1792 Silver Centre Cent, etc.: 16
J Pcs-
4^129 Castings from Foreign copper coins, India, etc.; 12 pcs.
3 130 Castings from medals: Wright’s Declaration and other
U. S. and Foreign medals: size 15 to 56; 23 pcs.
A 131 1863 Copper-Heads: good to uncirculated; 170 pcs.
132 Another lot: same; 170 pcs.
133 Duplicate lot: same; 170 pcs.
V, 134 Another lot: same; 170 pcs.
7 135 1869, etc., Jamaica: Pennies and Halfpennies: Nickel: good
lot; 5 pcs.
V/136 Various Nickel Coins: small and large: good to fine; 50
137 Another lot: same; 50 pcs.
/V 138 Miscellaneous Foreign Copper Coins, etc.: no Copper-Heads
or store cards of U. S.: poor to uncir.; 250 pcs.
44.139 Another lot: same; 250 pcs.
// 140 Duplicate lot: same; 250 pcs.
/A 141 Still another lot: same; 250 pcs.
142 Duplicate lot: same; 250 pcs.
4?143 A lot containing cards: U. S., Canadian and Foreign Coin
(a few Silver): culled from all the foregoing lots of coin:
all pierced: poor to fine; 202 pcs.
/$ 144 Duplicate lot: same; 202 pcs.
/d 145 Nickel-plated Coin Scale: a very ingenious and most mysteri¬
ous invention from Akron, Ohio.
/ 3 oH8
/ *30151
I Jo 152
°j ^oc?l 53
i -2*5154
I 7^155
1726 Augsburg: Crown of Ferdinand II. : angels with fir
cone over city: rev., eagle displayed; fine
1742 Augsburg: Crown of Ferd. III.: fine bust r. : rev.,
cherubim over the walled city; very fine
Augsburg: Box Crown: similar to preceding but without
date; fine
1765 Augsburg: Crown of Francis I.: bust r. : city arms on
shield; fine
1795 Bamberg: Crown of Francis Louis, Bishop: arms on
canopy: rev., zum besten des vaterlands, within gar¬
land; very fine
Battenberg: Crown: Imperial eagle: rev., lion rampant:
very fair; (about 1550)
1544 Breslau: Crown: a horrible lion: ecce . vicit . leo .
de . tribv . iuda: rev., city arms; fine
1624 Brunswick-Luneburg: broad Triple Crown of Fred¬
erick Ulric: the Duke in suite of mail, on horse, r. : rev.,
shield of arms, elaborately surmounted and decorated:
deo . et . patriae . etc. : a very fine specimen of the
early type; size 52
1639 Brunswick-Lun.: Crown of Duke Frederick: bustr.:
rev., arms: legends in German text; very good
1643 Bruns wick-L. : Bell Crown of Augustus: half-length
figure 1.: holds baton and helmet: rev., a bell without
tongue: uti sic nisi below; fine
1643 Brunswick-L.: Half Bell Crown: similar obv. to last:
rev., bell with tongue, inscribed maidir: tandem: m. vii.
b. 13; fine
1643 Brunswick-L.: Quarter Bell Crown: bust in armor:
rev., bell, etc., like the Crown preceding; very good
1659 Brunswick-L.: Crown of Augustus: Wild man of the
Hartz, with uprooted tree, walks to r.: ALLS mit be-
dacht; good
/ 5"° 159 1660 Brimswick-L. : Crown of Augustus: Wild man of the
Hartz, with tree on his left; fine
/ 5~o 160 1686 Brunswick-L. : Crown of Rudolph Aug. and Anthon
Ulric: two wild men with intertwined trees between. ie\.,
arms; fine
3 4® 1(31 1G88 Brunswick-L.; Double Crown of Ernest Augustus.
horse in mid-air over farm and mining scene: rev., 15
*2/4 ©162
[00 163
o 164
o 166
*2// o
shields in wreath around cypher E A: very fine; size 40
1688 Brunswick-L.: One and a half Crotons : from same
dies as last but stamped “ l-£v: fine; 40
1690-1764 Brunswick-L. : § Crowns of Ernest Aug. and
Charles : horse running 1.: very good; 2 pcs.
1692-1717 Brunswick-L.: § Crowns of Ernest Aug. and
Geo. Lewis : wild man with tree on his right: fine; 2
1568 Deutz : Crown of Elector Salentin: St. Peter 1.: rev.,
city arms : fine and desirable
1658 Eggenburg : Crown of John Christian and his brother
John Seyfried : busts vis-d-vis in arched circle: rev., arms:
very fine
1781 Eichstadt: Crown: Sede Vacante: fine view of city:
Saints Willibald and Walpurga above: rev., 16 shields of
arms: a beautiful coin; uncirc.
1783 Eichstadt: Half-Crown of Bishop John Anton III.:
bust r. : rev., his arms; fine
169 1790 Eichstadt: Double Crown: Sede Vacante: the afore¬
mentioned saints over the vacant throne room: rev., an
oak tree with names of candidates for the Bishopric :
view of the Cathedral and superb grounds; uncirculated
170 1776 Frankfort: Crown: female between river gods: a deo
et CyESare; very fine
171 1673 Groningen: Siege piece: j-faced bust of Gov. Chas.
Rabenhaupt 1.: door . godt . t . beleit . van . sune
oceli.en . etc.: rev , view of the forces of the Bishop of
Munster, bombarding the city : very good and unlike any
of the series in Bizot; 32
172 1683 Groningen and Omeland: Crown: Knight with shield:
rev., crowned Dutch arms: fine
/ 35173
-V- Sol 74
/ V^> 176
1 35177
/ 3oi78
y ^5 179
y 5© i83
/ fe>6l85
1648 Hamburg : Crown of Francis I.: City arms: saeculo
a pace westphalica exacto : rev., Imperial eagle ; very
(1592) Holland: medallio 1^ Crown: Mercury beguiling
Argus with music, while latter tends the Dutch cattle :
“the pipe sweetly sounding DECEIVE OUR ARGUS.”
rev., soldiers and priests trying vainly to bend a palm
tree: frustra conatur : refers to the proposals for
Peace: (Van Loon I. 428-9): fine; 36
1808 Holland : Crown of 50 Stuivers of Louis Napoleon
(father of Nap. III.): fine profile r. : rev., Napoleonic arms
quartered with the Dutch; uncirc.
1571 Luttich: Crown of Bishop Gerard a Groisbeck: under
Maximilian II. : small shield of arms counterstamped on
eagle; very good
1766 Mentz: Crown of Archbishop Emeric Joseph: bust r. :
rev., his arms; fine
1796 Mentz: Crown of Fred. Chas. Joseph: fine bustr.:
rev., his arms on oval shield; fine
1549 Mecklenburg: Crown of Duke John Albert: bust 1.
with peculiar bonnet: rev., arms surmounted by three
helmets; very good
1627 Nuremberg: Crown of Ferdinand II.: three shields of
arms: rev., Imperial arms; fine
1694 Nuremberg: Crown: three similar shields, cornucopias
above: Arabic date in outer circle: rev., fine view of the
city: Roman date in ex.: we seldom meet with coins hav¬
ing both styles of numerals on one piece; fine
1648 Munster: Medal (lj Crowns weight) on the Peace of
Westphalia: Peace seated in chariot drawn by Dutch and
Spanish lions over broken war trophies: rev., inscription
of 10 lines: proof surface, lightly nicked: very fine; 38
1704 Olmutz: Crown of Bishop Charles: large bust r.: rev.,
arms supported by two eagles; fine, broad
1809 Regensburg: Crown of Prince Charles of Rhenish
Confederation: fine bust r. : rev., arms under ermine can¬
opy: very fine; few small defects in planchet
1847 Reuss: Double Thaler of Henry LXXII. : Younger
line: profile 1.: rev., arms with lion supporters, on ermine:
very fine; proof surface
2j*/o 186 1623 Rhenish Palatinate: Crown of Wolfgang Wm.: bust
with immense collar: m deo mea consolatio (’twas in
his collar rather) : rev., crowned arms, with “ Order of the
Golden Fleece; fine
/ ^/-o 187 1641 Rhenish Pal. & Bavaria: Crown of Maximilian: arms:
rev., Virgin and Child in blazing circle: clypeus omni¬
bus in te sperantibus; very fine
£~o 188 1623 Half Crown of same: design somewhat similar: loop
removed: field burnished; fine
^■*V'°189 1694 Rhen. Pal. & Bavaria: Crown of Max. Emanuel: bust
in armor r. : rev., Virgin and Child, with sceptre and
shield; very fine
°190 1818 Bavaria: Crown of Max. Joseph: fine laureated bust
r. : rev., a cube inscribed charta magna bavari^e: uncir¬
culated; proof surface
IZ5 191 (1612) Salzburg: Crown of Archbishop Wolfgang Theo¬
dore: his arms: rev., St. Rupert seated with salt-box and
y 192
I 193
crozier; fine
I So 195
1623 Salzburg: Crown of Archb. Paris: type similar to last,
but different arms: loop neatly removed; fine
1628 Salzburg: Crown of Archb. Paris: the cathedral held
by two saints: rev., seven Bishops bearing the ashes of
St. Rupert and Virgilius in a palanquin: loop removed;
very fine
1628 Half Crown of same type: for same event; uncircu¬
1688 Salzburg: Crown of Archb. John Ernest: Virgin
and Child over arms: rev., St. Rupert and salt-box over
city arms; uncirculated
1695 Salzburg: Half Crown of same: Bishopric and city
arms: rev., seated figures of Sts. Virgilius and Rupert
vis-a-vis ; u noire.
197 1718 Salzburg: Crown of Archb. Francis Anton: Virgin
and Child on hat over arms: rev., St. Rupert with salt-
tub 1. ; fine
198 (1564) Crown of Ferdinand I.: half-length bust, with sceptre:
rev., heraldic eagle; very good
5 196
/ o—o 199
/^o 200
i tf-o 201
I 3^202
/ 203
/.&S 204
/ / °205
/ / <>209
1569 Crown of Maximilian II.: half-length bust, with scep¬
tre and orb.: rev., double eagle with arms on breast; good
1587 Crown of Rudolph II.: bust r. : rev., double eagle
walking r. ; fine, but few scratches
1599 Crown of Rudolph II.: his figure in armor, full-length,
f-face, between the shields of Hungary and Bohemia:
rev., Imperial eagle: loop removed: fine
1609 Crown of Matthias II. : crowned bust: rev., arms with¬
in ‘‘Order of the Fleece”; very good
1614 Crown of Matthias II.: laureated bust: rev., arms on
double eagle; very good
1621 Crown of Ferdinand II.: large crowned bust: rev.,
arms on Imperial eagle; very good
1636 Crown of Ferdinand II.: laureated bust: rev., large
shield within Collar of the Fleece”; very good
1639 Double Crown of Ferdinand III. : fine large laureated
bust, in draped decorated armor: rev., similar to that
preceding, but different shaped shield: very fine; 36
1694, etc., Leopold I., “the Hogmouth”: Crown, Half and
Quarter Crowns, Six and Three Groschen: all for Hun¬
gary, and with bust: the J is very good — the balance un¬
circulated: a desirable set; 5 pcs.
1698, etc., Leopold I., “ Hogmouth”: Crovn, 3 and 6
Groschen, for Steyermark: latter fine, others uncirculated;
3 pcs.
1707 Crown of Joseph I.: fine large bust: rev., arms in
collar of “Fleece”: slightly touched on highest parts of
hair; otherwise uncirculated
1706 etc. Joseph I.: Crown, Half Crown and 3 Groschen:
former for Steyermark: latter Hungary: fine busts inter¬
secting circles: uncirculated; 3 pcs.
1714 etc. Charles VI.: Crown, Half and Quarter Crowns,
Six, Three and One Groschen: peculiar long-shaped heads:
a fine uncirculated set (1 Gr. has small scratch): most
difficult to find so complete; 6 pcs.
1717 etc. Charles VI.: Half and Quarter (2) Crowns for
Hungary : one latter for Tyrol : large and small busts,
differing from preceding lot: uncirc.; 3 pcs.
1746 Francis I.: Crown and 7 Groschen: very fine; 2 pcs.
I 2/5 217
V 218
/ *220
/O 221
/o* 222
«35~ 224
^<5 225
1741-4 Marie Theresa : Crown, Quarter Crown, Six and
Three Groschen : for the Tyrol : handsome young busts:
* very fine; 4 pcs.
1742 Crown of M. Theresa for Hungary : youthful bust :
rev., Virgin and Child, radiated: few light nicks ; very
17S0 Marie Theresa : Levant Crown and Three Groschen
(1774) : elderly bust, with widow’s veil : uncirculated ;
2 pcs.
1780 Crown of Joseph II.: bust r. : rev., view of Ratisbon ;
1625-1778 Two Groschen pieces of Salzburg, Bavaria, etc.:
good to uncirculated: all different; 10 pcs.
1650-1781 Three Groschen of Salzburg, Tyrol, Bavaria,
Olmutz, etc.: fair (1) to uncirculated (9); different 14 pcs.
1692-1760 Four Groschen of Salzburg, Bamberg, etc. : dif¬
ferent: very good (2) and uncirc. (5); 7 pcs.
1673-1825 Six Groschen of Austria, Hungary, etc.: differ¬
ent: fine and uncirc.; 13 pcs.
1668-1765 : 4, 5 and 6 Groschen of Hungary, Austria, Salz¬
burg, etc.: different: good to very fine ; 18 pcs.
Duplicates of preceding lots, 2 to 6 Gr. : nearly half have
been used for buttons : poor to fine; 38 pcs.
(14 A. D.) Augustus : 2nd br. : profile 1. : rev., an altar ;
fine* green patination
(37 A. D.) Tiberius: 2nd br.: profile 1.: rev., caduceus be¬
tween s. c. ; fine
(19 A. D.) Germanicus : 2nd br. : profile r. : rev., large s c,
etc. ; very good
(33 A. D.) Agrippina Sr.: 1st br.: bust r., with titles m. f.
germanici caesaris : rev., t i. Claudius etc. ; very good
(41 A. D.) Caligula : 2nd br. : Vesta seated : very good ;
(54 A. D.) Claudius: 1st br.: cut across face: rev., Hope 1.;
very good
Claudius: 1st br.: same type, and one with civic wreath :
fair; 2 pcs.
/o 231 (68 A. D.) Nero: 1st br. : Decursio type: cavaliers r. ; fair
So 232 Nero: 2nd br. : profile r. : rev., Victory with shield; fine
233 (69 A. D.) Galba: 2nd br. : rev., Liberty standing 1. ; very
33 234 (79 A. D.) Vespasian: 2nd br. : rev., Hope 1.; very good
^°235 (96 A. D.) Domitian : 2ndbr.: rev., Moneta with balance ;
-3^2 36 (98 A. D.) Nerva : 2nd br. : rev., Fortune standing ; very
o237 (117) Trajan : 2nd br. : fine bust r. : rev., Fortune with
rudder and cornucopia; very fine
238 (161) Antoninus Pius: 1st br. : Liberty standing: Indulgen-
tia seated : very good; 2 pcs.
h 239 Antoninus Pius: 2nd br. : Fortune and Ceres standing: very
good; 2 pcs.
^°240 (141) Faustina Sr.: 2nd br. : Empress seated holds a Vic¬
tory; very good
Jo 241 (180) Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Jr. : 2nd br. : Hilarity
and Venus standing : very good ; 2 pcs.
Zo 242 (147) Lucilla: 2nd br. : Piety before an altar : very good
/ “5& 243 (193) Didius Julianas : lstbr.: Fortune standing: consid¬
erably corroded; fair
/' 244 (235) Alexander Severus : 1st br. : Hope; and Emperor
standing: very good; 2 pcs.
<3© 245 (235) Julia Mammaea: 1st br. : Felicity leaning on a column;
246 (238) Maximinus Pius: 1st br. : Faith with the Army stand¬
ards; fine
5 ,247 (238) Pupienus: lstbr.: Victory standing : has been much
corroded and tooled ; good for a piece so seldom offered
^£"248 (249) Otacilia Severa: 2nd br. : Piety standing; fine
<3 o— o249 (251) Herennius Etruscus : 1st br. : principi juventutis ;
0 250 (252) Hostilianus: lstbr.: the Prince standing with army
standard: double profile; good
251 Claudius Gothicus, Victorinus, Licinius and Tetricus : 3rd
br. : fair to fine; 5 pcs.
252 (313) Diocletian: lstbr. (reduced): large and small heads:
fine; 2 pcs.
/3 253
S 254
-27 255
& 258
4y 259
/ ^0 260
y y 265
/ cr~© 266
-25 269
<$/ 270
(306) Constantine Chlorus: 1st br. and 2d br. of Maxirni-
anus Daza: fine; 2 pes.
(337) Constantius Magnus, Constans, Constantius, etc.: 2d
and 3d br. : good to fine; 10 pcs.
(975) John Zimisces and two other Byzantine: very good;
3 pcs.
Early Aes: head of Janus Bifrons: rev., a prow to right:
fine: thick green patination; size 40
Early Sextans: Wolf and twins: rev., eagle standing; good
Semis, Quadrans and Uncia of Campania and Consular: fair
to good ; 5 pcs.
Counterfeits of 1st br. of Vitellius and Justinian, and of
Denarius of Otho; 3 pcs.
Fine counterfeit of 1st br. of Pescennius Niger: rev., Salu-
ti Augusti: an original would be worth about $500
Amisus, Pontus: head Jupiter: rev., eagle on thunderbolt:
fine; size 11
Bruttium: head of Mars 1.: rev., Victory crowns a trophy :
inverted anchor in field: fine; 16
Bruttium : head of Jupiter: rev., eagle : fine green patina¬
tion ; 1 5
Cales, Campania : head Pallas 1.: rev., rooster: good; 12
Carthage, Africa: busts of horses: date palm, etc.: very
good: 1 1 ; 2 pcs.
Egypt (282 B. C.): Ptolemy and Berenice: very good; 14
Egypt (282 B. C.) : Berenice : profile with curls : rev.,
eagle: very good; 16
Egypt: Ptolemaic dynasty: head Jupiter: rev., buckler be¬
fore eagle: good: 17; 2 pcs.
Egypt: Ptolemaic: head Jupiter: rev., cornucopia before
two eagles: fine: 19, 16, 12; 3 pcs.
Macedonia (323 B. C.): Alexander Magnus: cavalier: bow
and quiver: good: 16, 10; 4 pcs.
Olbia (Sarmatia) : head of Pan : rev., bow and quiver :
good; 14
Rhodes, Caria : head of Helios: rev., rose: good; 11
So 2 76
9 279
/o#£> 281
/<r£5 283
Sinope, Paphlagonia : bead Jupiter r. : rev., eagles on
thunderbolts: very good: 13; 2 pcs.
Syracuse : head of Ceres r. : rev., female with torch : very
fair; 13
Syria (151 B. C.): Alexander I.: profile r. : rev., Apollo
standing: good; 11
Syria (143 B. C.): Antiochus VI.: radiated head: rev., ele¬
phant 1.: very good; 14
Tarentum, Calabria: head Jupiter: rev., Taras on dolphin :
very good: 13
Thurium, JLucania: Scylla on helmet of Pallas: rev., a bull
on rampage: good: 14
Various Greek cities, etc., Mamertini, Parthia, Panormus,
etc.: fair lot; 13 pcs.
Fine unless otherwise described.
1648 Peace of Westphalia: seven nude females hand to
hand hold shields while dancing on a hat, all in olive
wreath: rev., inscription of 9 lines: few small nicks; 37
(1675) Admiral De Ruyter: exceedingly fine portrait bust
nearly full face, with draped armor: michael de rviter
et eqves. : rev., view of a naval battle with the enemy
almost annihilated: a beautifully executed work in per¬
fect condition;. 44
1641 Marriage of Wm. II. of Orange and Mary Stuart,
daughter of Chas. I. parents of Wm. III. of England: full-
length figures of the pair, angeletsin clouds with wreathes:
fine landscape, with cavaliers, buildings, etc.: rev.,
group, Mars and Victory, Juno and Ceres: script inscrip¬
tions on both sides: light nicks, still a handsome medal; 46
(1642) Wm. and Mary: marriage and arrival in Holland:
the Prince welcomes his bride to his garden: a busy
scene: ships in offing: angels empty their cornucopias on
the scene: rev., Wm. seated on throne, his feet on Span¬
ish and French soldiers: a military review outside a city:
an elaborately engraved design with appropriate inscrip¬
tions; 46
e~© 284 Old German marriage medal (1600): Christ performs the
ceremony: rev., His miracle at Cana; 38
/ *-0 285 Marriage medal: Christ performing the ceremony foi a
short-legged pair: rev., inscription in German text, 9
lines: very good; 29
3-&°286 1883 Baden: line portraits of Frederick and his Grand
Duchess: jugata 1.: rev., fine view of Baden-Baden:
exquisite workmanship: for their silver wedding; 32
© 287 1717 Bust of Luther r. : rev., bust of his wife Catharina
von Bora 1.: struck for the second centennial: one of the
most desirable of the series; 27
;*fr-o 288 1730 Large bust of Luther r. : arms of his 7 protectors,
connected with chains: rev., Truth directs Religion, who
sits beneath a palm tree with feet on Papal insignia, toward
a temple on a rock, at base of which a flying St. George
engages a dragon: Time chisels cc on pyramid: aline
work; 39
2o 289 1730 Fred. II. of Saxe-Gotha: bust r.: for second centen¬
nial of Augsburg Confession; 16
So 290 1696 Fred. Aug. of Saxony birth medal: infant on robe
over cross swords: obv., Gr. Duke Albert: small nicks; 21
/§' 291 1702 England: Anne: bust!.: rev., burning of the Spanish
galleons at Vigo; 23
J 7> o 292 1704 Anne: bust with filleted hair: rev., view of Gibraltar,
etc.: shields on palm tree: dious triumphis anglia; 25
/<5 293 1708 Anna: large bust 1.: rev., Victory with palm, and
fleur-de-lis on shield over a map: insulae captje; 28
) o r 294 1759 Mortuary medal of Princess Anne of England, wife of
Wm. Henry of Holland: fine bust 1.: faint scratches in
field: rev., her tomb, etc.; 26
295 1781 Prince Frederick of England, Bishop of Osnaburg:
rev., an altar: minute nicks; 21
296 1771 Poland: a Knight offered the sceptre: rev., demons
attempt to destroy the Knight: city in background; 28
297 1835 Anton Victor, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order:
Archduke Austria: fine shield under ermine canopy:
inscrip. 9 lines: obituary; 26
298 Hamburg Masonic: emblems on and about a radiated shield:
rev., sun, moon, earth: facies supreme eadem; 20
1 1 O 300
) S o302
/ 4o303
^cT 307
/ 5 ' 309
/#c 310
1775 Pius VII.: bust 1.: rev., the Pope with his little ham¬
mer, about to batter down the Porta Santa: it being
Jubilee year; 20
Pius VII.: bust 1., by Covazzini : rev., Religion directs
naked imps with cross and tray of medals, toward a col¬
lege; 24
(1832) Gregory XVI.: bust with tiara 1.: rev., Pallas repels
a man with serpent legs: Tiber and St. Peters in
background; 28
1854 Pius IX.: bust 1. : rev., the Papal Court with Immac¬
ulate Conception above: artistic work by JBianchi / 24
1852 Pius IX.: bust r. : rev., statute of St. Sebastian, and
the restored Appia Via: very good; 27
1846 Pius IX.: election medalet; 12
Religious: ship near rocks and lighthouse: rev., altar: by
Loos j 19
Fine bust of Christ 1.: rev., His baptism in Jordan; 23
Youth on the thorny road to Apollo: rev., implements of
pleasure; 22
1709 Bombardment of Tournay: fine view: rev., a French
ship sinking; 28
1813 Francis I., Alex. I. and Fred. Wm. III.: their profiles
jugata: rev., 10-line inscription; 30
1840 Prussia: profile r. : rev., Royal arms within circle of
beautifully executed shields: all in sunken disc: small
nick on cheek; 27
1764 Peace medal: three Graces holding portraits: rev.,
female with caduceus and cornucopia: pastoral scene:
field burnished; 27
1801 Peace of Luneville: Minerva frightens Mars with her
shield: rev., Peace standing; 23
1800 Century medal: Cupid ovhr quadriga of Apollo: rev.,
Time and Hope beside a monument: nicked: very good; 23
1769 S. Klingenstierna: fine bust r.:rev., obelisk on conical
mound; 21
Andreas Celsius: Prof, of Astronomy at Upsala: very fine
bust: rev., radiant star between crowns; 22
J. G. Gahn: Assayer College of Metallurgy: bust rev.; 20
9 o 317
cTo 319
Lo 323
// 325
5/ ©327
^-/■er~o 33 1
/*/o- o332
(1718) Sweden: C'bas. XII.: bust r.: rev. Ckas. as Hercules:
with shields inscribed with his twelve labors: cast:
good; 27
1690 Rotterdam medal on the execution of Costerman: his
head on pall and altar: rev., citizens demolishing the
house of Jacobus Suyle; 35
Stanislaus Xavier, Duke of Anjou: bust 1.: rev., city
arms; 20
1744-60 Louis XV.: profiles r : revs., plummet (some describe
this as Masonic): trophy of arms: justice r. : ship 1.: good
to fine: 19; 4 pcs.
1770 Louis XVI.: marriage medal: and Lyons commercial:
very good: 20; 2 pcs.
1801 Bank of France: Minerva and Fortune before a safe:
octagonal; 23
1819 Louis XVIII.: Havre de Grace commercial medal:
small nicks: octagonal; 20
Garibaldi and Victor Emanuel: minute medalets: revs., a
star: 7; 2 pcs.
Victoria and Albert and children Alfred, Alice, Helena,
Louisa: minute medalets in brass box: brass, silvered:
5 and 7; 6 pcs.
1793 Chain: Ameri. : obv. has several nicks; otherwise a
very good specimen of this variety
1793 Another Ameri.: nicked; good for piece
1793 Another Ameri.: rev., die broken at the border touch¬
ing tat: date weak; very fair
1793 Another Ameri.; poor, but date shows
1793 Chain: America: large planchet: size 17; very good
1793 Chain: America: period after Liberty and date; good
1793 Wreath: stem of sprig over figure 3: mottled olive:
very fine and well struck impression: not perfectly sharp
on highest points of hair; still a very desirable cent
1793 Wreath: same variety; very good
1793 Wreath: same variety: but rev. die cracked in two
places through r and a in America; good
35 0335 1793 Wreath: same obv., but different rev., the ribbon bow
nearly triangular; good
oTcr-t3336 1793 Wreath: broad-leaved sprig over date: the almost
touches the circle of pellets: light olive color; nearly tine
5^©337 1793 Wreath: thin-leaved sprig with stem near 7 in date:
has been evenly corroded, leaving the surface somewhat
rough; still very good
*^/5o338 1793 Wreath: slender-leaved sprig with stem exactly over
9 of date: rev., short ribbon ends: edge lettered: dark;
very good
‘ / 339 1793 Liberty caps: surface considerably corroded: very
fair: one with cracked die, very poor; 2 pcs.
•2V 340 1793 Wreaths: broad and narrow leaved sprigs: poor, dates
not visible; 3 pcs.
8c5o341 1793 Smith of Ann St. variety of Wreath Cent: being a
poor genuine wreath cent re-engraved after the design of
lot No. 335: very fine condition and well executed. The
owner esteemed this as an unique variety and valued it at
$150; I am sorry to say that, like numerous Baltimore
rarities, the fact is not well founded
The following 1794 cents are numbered as received according to
Maris. I have examined some of them and found them correct ;
of others I am in doubt, and will not guarantee their accuracy:
2} 342 1794 No. 2, double chin: rev., of No. 1, No. 2J; obv., No.
2, No. 3, sans milling: poor to fair; 3 pcs.
Q 343 1794 No. 5, young head: date and some letters on rev.
weak: some corroded spots; very good
^344 1794 No. 7, crooked 7: No. 8, scarred head: nicked: No. 9,
standless 4: poor and fair; 3 pcs.
#3 345 1794 No. 10, pyramidal head: No. 11, many haired: cor¬
roded: No. 12, scarred head: fair; 3 pcs.
346 1794 No. 13, standless 4: No. 14, abrupt hair: No. 15, sep¬
arated date: barely fair and fair; 3 pcs.
347 1794 No. 17, the ornate: No. 19, obv., 18 Venus Marina:
No. 20, fallen 4: corroded: fair; 3 pcs.
J I 0348 1794 No. 18: rev., 22 Venus Marina: portions of
trifle weak; otherwise very good
349 1794 No. 21, short bust; about good
3© 350
jL 351
3/ 353
t i ° 355
■ 357
J/ 358
Jo 361
ho 362
39 363
So 364
5o 365
/ c-o367
■37 368
<3*5 369
1794 No. 22, short bust: nicked and slight corrosion on
edge; very good
1794 No. 23, Patagonian: No. 26, amiable face: v. fair; 2
1794 No. 24, Patagonian: evenly patinated; shows but
little indications of circulation
1794 No. 28, large planchet: cleaned and trifle corroded;
otherwise not much circulated
1704 No. 29, rev., 27 marred field: a sharp and bold impres¬
sion, of brownish color: planchet not quite smooth in the
field before face: as to condition, the most desirable 94 in
in the lot; very fine
1794 No. 32, shielded hair; very good
1794 No. 36, the plicae: perfect obv., good: rev., weak;
1794 No. 39, ’95 head; about good
1794 No. 39^, No. 46: fair obverses: poor rev.; 2 pcs.
1794 No. 40: many haired: evenly oxydized; very good
1794 No. 42: trephined head: corrosion spots; nearly
1795 One Cent in centre of wreath: much corroded; fair
1795 Similar variety: dark green patination; fine
1795 One Cent high in wreath: obv., different: good; 2 pcs.
1795 Lettered edge: nicked and scratched; good
1795 Same, one burnished: very fair; 2 pcs.
1796 Liberty cap: planchet not quite smooth before face;
nearly fine
1796 Fillet head: earth brown color; fine
1797 Broken die: scratch on rev.; very good
1798 Large spread date: dark green patination: scratch
across hair; very fine
1798 Nicked and somewhat corroded: very good; 2 pcs.
1799 over ’98 This must not be confounded with an altera¬
tion of a coin; it is an alteration of the die, and from the
fact that this variety has never been imitated its authen¬
ticity is evident on its face: dark: nicked; very good for
1799 Nicked; very good for date
1800 One defective die through first 0 of date: the other
over 1798 (not 99) nicked: very good; 2 pcs.
iL 374
/ %/8 375
1801 oio and over good; 2 pcs.
1801 Blunt ones in date: hair almost sharp; fine
1801 Another similar, and one with perfect ones: latter
has been corroded: good; 2 pcs.
J 1802 Die cracked through top of wreath: olive color; very
33 378 1S02 Another: crack connecting tops of amer: very good
379 1S02 Stemless wreath and one sub variety: good and fine;
2 pcs.
380 1802 Stemless wreath: short dash in fraction : and one badly
cracked die: planchet imperfect on edge: very good; 2
1803 Stemless wreath from same die as lot 379; very good
1803 Small t1l¥: lump under chin: few minute nicks: light
olive; fine
383 1803 Rev., die cracked through States; fine
384 1803 Large T^-g-: curved crack through figure 8 in date: this
is the die used to make the counterfeit 1804 cents, called
“ restrikes ”
Jo 385 1803 Large and small yyo-1 varieties differing from preceding:
good to fine; 5 pcs.
lf-L>o 386 1804 Perfect die: has been corroded; good
1804 Broken die; very good
1805 Double outlined 5: has been lightly corroded, other¬
wise a very fine cent
r5«>389 1806 Edge somewhat abused; good
^?5 390 1807 Large yJ-q : pin scratches on rev., and one with in¬
verted rev., die: few nicks: very good and fine; 2 pcs.
J -^ 391 1807 Small y-oo-1 one over 6: very fair; 2 pcs.
<?-£o392 1808 Fine even impression: few light nicks on obv. : .rev.
slightly roughened: a much finer cent than usually found
of this date
H-i o393 1809 Stars flat: rev. sharp: an unimportant nick above head;
otherwise an unusually fine cent of this date
3 Jo 394 1809 Not so fine as last; still a very good piece
/ 3o395 1809 Dark; very good
I J 396 1810 over 9: edge corroded; very good
55° 397 1810 Perfect date: uncirculated: all but a portion of obv.
of a light olive color; stars on right weakly struck; very
desirable cent
J3 0.388
3o 398
^ cr~° 399
/ o-o 403
$J5 404
2/5 405
'J 5 406
>L 407
5o 408
3o 409
*J-° 411
o 412
S5 413
7 J 414
t i 418
lj~ ©419
2/1 420
/ V 0421
-2,0 423
5 424
1810 Somewhat corroded; fine
1811 over 10: faint scratch in left field; fine
1811 Perfect date: lightly nicked; very good
1812 Small 8; very good
1812 Large 8: very good; 2 pcs.
1813 Gray patination; fine
1813 Variety: trifie corroded: scratch on head; very good
1814 Crossed 4: faint pin scratches in field; very good
1814 Plain 4: die on obv., crumbled beneath the chin and
cracked through 8 in date; very fine and sharp
1814 Another struck before chin crumbled; very good
1816 Perfect dies: stars not sharply struck; uncirculated
1816 Upper edge of die broken: few stars flat; very fine
1816 Stars near date: nick; fine
1817 Curl over 1: divided date: partly bright; uncirculated
1817 Curl between 1 and 7: on one figure 1 is widely sepa¬
rated from other figures: all different varieties: uncircu¬
lated: splendid cents; 3 pcs.
1817 Curl above 7 : compact and spread dates : one con¬
nected stars, and figure 1 left of bust: all different: uncir¬
culated and handsome specimens; 4 pcs.
1817 Other varieties: very good; 3 pcs.
1817 15 stars: die defective below ear; very fine
1817 15 stars: same: fine; dark
1818 Differing varieties: very fine to uncirculated; 4 pcs.
1819 over 18: light olive: very fine and a variety: good;
2 pcs.
1819 Small divided date: light olive; very fine
1819 Small dates: varieties: one trifle nicked: very fine
specimens; 2 pcs.
1820 Small date: uncirculated; red
1820 Small date: slight variety; very fine
1820 Cracked die; uncirculated
1820 Large: small, and over 19: very good; 3 pcs.
1821 Nicked: very fair; 2 pcs.
1822 Compact date: slight nicks: dark; fine
1822 Spread date: nicks; very good
1823 Counterfeit: so-called restrike; uncirculated
1823 Nicks: dark; good
' 430
*° 431
■^'5 433
// 436
/<5 437
M 438
/ S5" 44i
^0 443
So 444
^44 S
Jf-l 450
3/o 4c
c3o 4t
/ / 4£
/o 46
// 46
1824 Many nicks; good
1825 Nicks: good; 2 pcs.
1826 One greyish green: one trilling spots: very good / 2
1827 One cleaned at some time: light nicks: strongly struck:
nearly fine; 2 pcs.
1828 Large date: olive; very good
1828 Large and small dates: former has been corroded:
about good; 2 pcs.
1829 Dark colors: stars mostly sharp: fine; 2 pcs.
1830 Cracked die: dark; good
1831 One has light scratches on obv.: fine ; 3 pcs.
1832 Large and small letters on rev., one has light nicks:
fine; 2 pcs.
1832 Varieties: have been cleaned: very good; 2 pcs.
1833 Cracked die: stars not all sharp: a handsome cent:
mostly bright; uncirculated
1833 Same variety: olive: nicks; very fine
1834 Large date: cracked die: trifling smear; very fine
1834 Small date: cracked die: light nicks; fine
1836 Broken die: stars rounded; very fine
1837 Beaded hair strings: rev., traces of original color; un¬
1837 Plain hair strings: nicks: light olive; very fine
1838 Olive color; uncirculated
1838 Equally fine; 2 pcs.
1839 Booby head: cracked die: nicks; fine
1839 Head of 40: light olive; very fine
1841 Nicks; very fine
1842 Large, and 1843 same type: former corroded: nearly
fine; 2 pcs.
1845 Nicks; very fine
1846 Dutch 6; uncirculated
1847 Dark olive; uncirculated
1847 Uncirculated; red
1848 Partially red; uncirculated
1849 Light nicks; very fine
1850 Uncirculated, red: 2 pcs.
1851 Bronzed and partially red: uncirc. ; 2 pcs.
/3 462
J3 463
*^o 464
'SfL 465
!L 466
5© 468
Oil o 469
! ^5470
/ 3©471
/ / <5 472
^0 474
4^3 475
/ O 476
£0 478
<33 479
^ 480
/ 55481
/ / © 482
/ c 483
^ro 484
3/ 485
/5 486
/ / o 487
5 488
<5 490
J 491
1852 Uncirculated, red; 2 pcs.
1854 Partially bright; uncirculated
1855 Slanting fives: uncirculated; bright
1855 Upright fives: uncirculated; bright
1856 Both varieties: one uncirculated: one cleaned; 2 pcs.
1857 Small date: smeared: partially bright; uncirculated
1857 Small date: proof, but having no retiective polish;
sharp cent
1793 Very good
1793 Good, but rough surface from corrosion
1793 Very faii-
1793 Nicked; very fair
1794 Nicks: trifling spots of corrosion: “Half cent ” nearly
gone: otherwise strongly struck and very fine; probably
used as a button
1794 Variety: pierced over head; very good
1794 Variety: evenly corroded; about good
1794 Varieties: evenly corroded: very fair; 2 pcs.
1795 Lettered edge: varieties: barely fair; 2 pcs.
1795 Plain edge: without pole; very good
1797 Peculiar radiation in front of bust on one: dark:
good; 2 pcs.
1797, 1800 Barely fair; 2 pcs.
1802 Rev., large type: nicks; better than usually found
1802 Rev.,, small type: nicks; good for date
1805 Light nicks in field behind bust; fine
1806 Two varieties: fine; 2 pcs.
1808 Dark patination ; fine
1809 Fine impression
1810 Stars flat behind bust: purplish olive: a handsome half
cent; uncirculated
1811 Nicks and scratched; very good
1811 Broken die; good
1825, ’26, ’28: Fine; 3 pcs.
1828 13 Stars; uncirculated, red
1828 12 Stars; very fine
493 1829 Light olive; fine
494 1832 Light olive; uncirculated
/^»495 1833 Darker olive; uncirculated
5- 496 1834 Partially red; uncirculated
497 1835 Light olive; very fine and sharp
498 1849, ’50, '51, ’53, ’54, ’55, ’56: fine lot: 7 pcs.
^ h Partly red; fine
^ 500 1803, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’25, ’26, ’32, ’33, ’34, ’35, ’53: good to
very fine; 16 pcs.
501 1837 Half cent worth of, etc.; very good
’ The metal copper unless otherwise stated.
5Z °502 1792 Washington Half Dollar: obv., weak: rev., very good;
date and bust most prominent
H> 0 503 1792 Cent: military bust 1.: rev., general of the Ameri¬
can armies 1775, etc.: rev., centre weak; otherwise very
x?/*r"o504 1789 Cent: similar bust to preceding; born Virginia feb.
11. 1732. etc.: rev., similar to that preceding: but from
different die; very good
^f-o~°505 1789 Duplicate: rev., trifle sharper; otherwise about the
same as last
<y-u>o506 1791 Cent: large eagle; good
/ / o 507 1793 Similar obv. (except date): rev., Halfpenny over ship;
1793 below; very good
IZ o 508 Penny: military bust left: rev., eagle over shield: liberty
and security: edge inscribed, an asylum, etc.; very
fine and sharp impression
5*° 509 Duplicate, nearly as fine; but hair and epaulet very neatly
£§~510 1795 Halfpenny: bust r.: rev., similar to preceding: on
edge Swansey Birmingham, etc.; fine
<5^511 1795 Duplicate: with edge, London, Liverpool, etc. ; very
<§>^512 1795 Halfpenny: same bust: card of Clark, Harris & Co. ;
c5~o 513 1783 Georgia’s triumphs : rev., voce popoli ; good
/ A 5 1 4
3/5 515
-&/ 516
-o 5i7
37 518
I 5 519
75 520
!o 522
90 523
S 0524
3o 526
*3^ 528
/ ° 529
3/5 532
%/) 533
/o 534
{? 535
1783 Halfpenny: small bust 1.: rev., United States; very
1783 Unity States Cent: very fine; but, as usual, letters not
sharply struck
Double-head Cent ; very fair
Inauguration Token : rev., Success to the United States :
large size : brass ; fine
1799 Wyons Washington: issued on his death ; very fine
Robinson’s, Lovett’s and Mint Washingtons: size 18.20:
fine; 5 pcs.
1794 Franklin Press: Halfpenny; fine
New Jersey: St. Patrick Halfpenny: his Reverence expel¬
ling the Snaix; good for piece
Same, but from different dies: poor; 2 pcs.
1773 Virginia: Halfpenny: large planchet: size 17; bright,
1773 Virginia: small Halfpennies: without dot over head:
one bright: uncirculated; 2 pcs.
1773 Virginia: varieties of preceding: very good; 4 pcs.
1788 Massachusetts: Cent: few light nicks; fine
1787, ’8 Same: varieties: poor to very good; 9 pcs.
1787 New York: Cents: figures to right and left: one badly
nicked: good; 2 pcs.
1787 Immunis Columbia: Cent: Liberty seated on globe:
rev., eagle displayed; a very fine impression
1776 Continental Currency: original: tin; very good
1787 Fugio or Franklin Cents: different dies: fair to uncir¬
culated; 6 pcs.
1787 Counterfeit of last from dies now owned by Mr. Ran¬
dall; fine
1783 Nova Constellatio: one constelatio: all different: very
good; 3 pcs.
1785 Nova Consellatio: u. s. in script : one constelatio:
different dies: one poor: good to fine; 5 pcs.
1783 Nova Constellatio: duplicates, corroded: very good;
2 pcs.
1854 Pattern Cent: head Liberty: nose corroded; very
1855 Pattern Cent: in copper nickel: flying eagle; fine
SS 538
7° 539
-So 541
Am I not a man and a brother; very good
London Elephant: Halfpenny; very fine
Another: different: rev., inscribed Lon-don only; very
1689-90 James II.: Gun Money: XXX pence, Sepr. Nov.:
XII pence, Mar.: VI pence, Nov.: very good and fine:
one poor; 5 pcs.
M. Theresa: Kreuitzer, Brutus and George III. Tokens: lat¬
ter pieced: fine; 3 pcs.
San Domingo: bust left: turcupellerius: rev., Hispanniola;
good for piece
544 1797 “ Glocester ” Penny token: fine view of cathedral, by
JVj/o?i: rev., arms by Jvempsonj bronze proof
43 545 1797 “ Glocester ” Penny: view of St. Nicholas church, by
Wyon : rev., same as last; bronze proof
V 546 1796 Corn-law Half-penny: Geo. III. r. : rev., ship; proof
-<F 547 1796 Aylesbury Anti-Slavery Half-penny: bust Wm. III. r.:
rev., flags and Liberty pole; uncir,, but weak centre
: 548 1788 Miner’s Penny: bust of Druid: rev., P. M. Co. cipher;
very fine
/ 0 549 Edinburgh, Dublin, Cronebane, Camac Halfpence, 1828 Glas¬
gow Farthing: very good to uncirculated; 7 pcs.
550 1795 Bath Farthing: bust Bladud; very fine
551 1792 Birmingham Farthing : bust of Howard : an accom¬
panying printed history of H. sold with this; fine
; 552 1867 Montreal : Devins & Bolton card : head of Victoria ;
) 0553 bank of Montreal : shield of arms between reclining and
seated Indians : rev., incused : brass: fine ; never saw a
/£ 554 Canada, Prince “Edward” Is. 1855, Nova Scotia: “Brook ”
and cholera tokens, etc.; 3 uncirculated: others good to
fine; 15 pcs,
555 1793 Bermuda Penny: 1852 Venezuela Centavo and Cent.
American Masonic token: fine; 3 pcs.
556 1800 Cartkagena : Two Reales: lions and castles in angles
of cross: rev., crowned pillars: lu sul tr. m. 800. l. : struck
over another type (Indian seated) : very fine : one good ;
2 pcs.
-&0557 1847 New Granada: Cent and Half Cent (jfo -jV Real): cap
radiated: very g ood: coppers from this State are seldom
offered; 2 pcs.
7 558 1869 Honduras \ Real : Jamaica \ Penny : nickel : very
good; 2 pcs.
So 558 a Culebra (one of the Spanish Virgin Islands): 5 Centavos
token: nicked; uncirculated
/3 558# Culebra: 5 Centavos like last: also Verbena Hacienda
token, brass: and el canal 5 cents token of roncallo y
Ca.: nickel: uncirculated; 3 pcs.
18 558 c Guayanilla: 50, 25, 12|, 6j and 5 Centavos: tokens of
San Columbano hacienda: brass: uncirculated; 5 pcs.
I j 558 d Mi. Rosa: 50, 25, 10 and 5 Centavos: hacienda tokens of
e. r. h.: brass: uncirculated; 4 pcs.
7 o 559 1883 Mexico: nickel proof set of the rejected coinage: 1, 2
and 5 Centavos; 3 pcs.
4, 560 1653 etc. Barcelona, Majorca (2), Mauritius and “Cobre
resellado ” (3): poor to good; 7 pcs.
561 1830-’64 Guernsey Island: 1, 4 Doubles: very good and
fine; 3 pcs.
-^056 2 1854 Napoleon III.: complimentary 10 Centimes, on his visit
to Paris Mint ; bronze proof
/3 563 1853 Another for his visits to Lille Mint: also 1875 Centime
(Bordeaux): very fine; 2 pcs.
564 1628-1728 Dombes, Bethune, Lorraine, etc.: very fair;
4 pcs.
3 565 1788 etc. “Limb & Breitenrach: 4 hof commissarius Grei¬
ner”; and two others: 1 poor, 2 very good; 3 pcs.
e 566 1738 2 Schau-Pfenning: bust of Christ; thick, fine
567 1794 Poland: 3 Groszy of Dictator Kosciuszko; very good
568 1840 Poland: 3 Groszy of Warsaw Mint: uncirculated; red
569 (1574)-1840 Poland: Henry III., Augustus III., Alexander
I., Nicholas I. : Turner to 3 Groszy : desirable lot : very
good; 5 pcs.
J 571
7 573
7 574
c3 575
/ 0576
•3 578
3 579
' 580
-33 584
1608 Navarre: Henry IV. : crowned shield: rev., wheat and
olive branch: pax et vebrtas: very good; size 17
Sicily: Saracen coins of Wra.: lion mask: oblong piece with
eagle, and one of Milan: all rude: very fair; 4 pcs.
St. Stephen kneeling, s e : rev., arms; very good
Lottery token, also 1869 Carnival token franco di carni-
yale: (zinc): very good and fine; 2 pcs.
1796 Pergola: Baiocchi: bust of St. Peter: also same for
Viterbo, 1796, ’7: struck while Napoleon was subjugating
Italy: very good; 3 pcs.
1738-1838 Gubbio and Rome: 1, |, 1 Baiocchi of Popes
Clement XII.: Benedict XIV. (size 23): Pius VII.: Greg- .
ory XVI.: very good; 6 pcs.
1223 Tripoli: Para of Mahmoud II.: “dharb fi Tarablusi
gharb: Sultan Mahmoud Khan ”; very good
1281-82 Egypt: 10 and 20 Paras of Ismail Pasha: uncirc.,
former proof; 2 pcs.
1252, ’62, ’81, ’2, ’3, ’4 Egypt: 5 Paras of Mehemet Ali, and
4, 10, 20 Paras, Ismail Pasha: 2 fair, (3) very good to
uncirc. (3); 8 pcs.
1258, ’65, ’75, ’81 Constantinople: 1 (2 sizes) and 40 Paras
of Abdul Medjid: 40 Paras, Abdul Aziz: fine (first poor);
4 pcs.
Russia: 1736 Poloutchka, 1748, ’49, 1842 Denga: 1756, 1840
Kopecks: 1757, ’8, ’63, ’88, 1843: Two K. 1727 Five K.:
Moscow & St. Petersburg mints: Finland 10 P. 1865:
very good to fine (l poor); 13 pcs.
Siberia: Ischorci mint, 2 Kopecks 1814: also of the chief
mint Ekaterinburg, Five K, of 1802, ’31, ’60: Three K. of
1842, ’4: Two K. of 1798, 1800, ’12, ’65: Kopecks of 1795,
’8, 9, 1800, ’32, ’54, ’58, ’60: Half Kop. of 1798 and 1852:
good to fine: a better lot of the Siberian mintages, seldom
found: 20 pcs.
602 A. H. (1206 A. D.) Delhi: Nagari of the first Sultan
Moaz-eadin; fine
Hindostan: unknown Sultans: very good lot: 9 to 17; 8 pcs.
1791 Bombay: 5, 10 and 1794 Fifteen Cash: uAdil” (Jus¬
tice) between scales: rev., trademark of E. India Co.:
bronze proofs (5 C has few small spots on rev.); 3 pcs.
585 1246, ’49 Bombay: \ Annas: “Justice ” below scales: obvs.
bear dates 1832 and ’33 ! : also 5 Cash 1803, 10 C. 1808:
very good; 4 pcs.
A 586 1219 Bencoolen (in Sumatra): 2 Kepeng: under E. I. Co.
rule: very good: also 1810 Pulo Penang Cent: fair; 2 pcs.
58 7 1250 Celebes Island: Kepeng: rooster 1.: in Arabic, “ Malay
Island, one Kepeng 1560 ”: rev., around a chrysanthemum,
in Buggi characters: “land of the Buggi; one Kepeng”;
very fine
J 588 Celebes Island: duplicate of last; good
3) 589 1870 Sarawak (in Borneo Is.): Cent of Rajah C. Brooke;
very fine
590 Cambodia: pewter Cash: Calcutta 1835, \ A.: Hong Kong
Island 1863-’6 Mil, and Cent: good to uncirc., bright (3):
5 pcs.
591 Japan: different sizes: 2 iron ToVo of Yen: very good; 5 pcs.
u 592 Siam: pewter coins: square within circle: first offered: fine:
5 pcs.
The following Chinese “ Cashv are guaranteed to he originals
of the Dynasties and Emperors named / i?i some instances there
are several “ reigns ” of the Emperors / when known , are named
on separate envelopes. The modern casts , of very valuable old
coins, which have been recently offered in several sales , are not
among these ’ all are in very good condition.
593 Sung Dynasty: 2d Emperor Tai-tsung; 977-’98 A. D.
594 3d Emperor Tshin-tsung: 998-1022: 1st and 2d Reigns:
one with character on rev.; 3 pcs.
595 4th Emp. Dshin-tsung: 1023-’63: three Reigns (one of
Ming-tao lu32-’3): fair to good; 3 pcs.
596 5th Emp. Ying-tsung: 1064-’7: one Reign of Tchi-ping;
2 pcs.
597 6th Emp. Shin-tsung: 1067-’86: Three Reigns (1st Ili-ning
1 06 7-’7 7 : 2d Yuan-fung 107 7— ’80) ; 3 pcs.
598 7th Emp. Tshe-tsung: 1086-1100; Reign of Yuan-yeu
599 8th Emp. Hoey-tsung: 1 1 0 1 —’25 : two reigns; 2 pcs.
600 Ming Dynasty: 1st Emp. Tai-tsu: 1368- 98: Reign of Hung-
wo: one has a character on rev.; 2 pcs.
601 3d Emp. Tshing-tsu: 1402-T4: Reign of Yung-lo
14th Emp. Shin-tsung: 1573-1*119: Reign of Wan-li
Mantciioo Dynasty: 2d Emp. Tching-tsu: 1061-1722:
Reign Kang-hsi: Pekin mint; fair
4tli Emp. Kao-tsung: 1 735— ’96 : Reign Kian-lung: Ching-
too (in Se-cliuen) and Pekin mints; 2 pcs.
5 tli Emp. Dshin-tsung: 1796-1820: Reign Kia-khing: A un-
nan and Pekin; 2 pcs.
0th Emp. Siuan-tsung: 1820-’50: Reign Tao-kwang: Hang-
choo, Quang-choo (2 var.) and Pekin mints; 4 pcs-
7th Emp. Wen-tsung: 1850-’61: Reign Hiang-fung: Tang-
U-shi, or gilt 50 Cash Liang) Pekin; thick, size 28
Early cash unknown Emperors: none less than 400 years
old (except 2 Japs): average good; 17 pcs.
I'U 13
ReusSj Jr., Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Schwerin: 1864: 1, 3
Pfen.: proofs; 3 pcs.
Uncirculated coppers, various countries: nice lot: all differ¬
ent; 25 pcs.
Prussia: Berlin, Hanover and Frankfort mints: 1, 2, 3
Pfen.: 1847-’73: splendid, uncirculated lot: no dups.:
few milled; 26 pcs
Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Anhalt, Reuss, Sr. and Jr.:
Schaumburg-Lippe, Mecklenb. Str. and Schw., Hanover,
etc.: good (5) to uncirc. : no dups.: 29 pcs.
Miscellaneous: poor to uncirc.: 2 counterfeits: 3 pierced ;
25 pcs.
* Fine , except othemeise described: the metals in brackets after
each name: ( C)- copper: (JJ) -brass : (TP )-w kite metal : (X) dead :
[F. S.)-Feuchtwangers silver : [FI.) -silver plated.
614 Adams, Taunton, (O): Angue, “ Allways,” (7?); 2 pcs.
615 Baker, Gen. E. D. (7? gilt): Baker, Wright & Howard,
Boston ( W); 2 pcs.
3 616 Barton & Co. (F): Phila.: Beales, (C): Boston; 2 pcs.
617 Bergen Iron Works, N. J. ((7 and 7?): large and small
eagles; 3 pcs.
618 Botsford, New York: Bowen & McNamee, 2 dies: (77):
good; 3 pcs.
J-f- 6 1 9
/ 622
£ 623
cT 624
/ 625
/ 626
3 633
/ I 636
(ff 637
5 638
Bradslreet A Son: B. A Hoffman: rev., old N. Y. Post
Office: mules (IF); 3 pcs.
Brigham, New Bedford: 1st dies ( C ): Brighton Hotel,
“ 25, 50 ”: Coney Island (P) ; 3 pcs.
Brimelow: by Lovett: Washington r. : Silver
Bucklin, Troy ( C ): planchet not cut round; finest impres¬
sion I’ve seen
Buehler A Smith, Phila. {P): Catch Club Shilling ( C . PL):
Steward’s countermark “Booth”; 2 pcs.
Chamberlaine, Norfolk, ( IF): Chamberlain, Woodruff AS.,
Fair Haven (_/>. pi.); 2 pcs.
“ Clnsebrougli, Nassau St.”: Cole, Balto.: both (P) : good;
2 pcs.
Doremus, “ Suydams ” & Nixon : by Bale & Smith ; splendid
original (P gilt) 4
Doremus & N.: “39 Nassau” (J3) good: “21 Park Place,”
(C and B. PI.) restr.; 3 pcs.
Drown: Elgin Watch Co.: both (IF): Elliot Y. & Co.,
Memphis (B. PL); 3 pcs.
Evens P., Cinti., O. : [F. S perfect
Farnsworth, Phipps A Co., Boston: by Wright A B. ((?):
Feuchtwanger (F. S.) ; 2 pcs.
Fussell: Germania Club: both (£): Gercke, Alasonic (IF);
3 pcs.
Gowans, D. A Co., New Orleans (O. PL); finest I’ve seen,
proof surface
Hallock A Bates (P): Handy, Harvey, Haskins, Hathaway
(4 0), Havens ( IF), Hotchkiss, II. A P. (P) : good to
fine; 7 pcs.
Holmes, Booth A Hayden (F S.)
Houghton, Merrell A Co., N. Y. (P)
James, Clark A Co., Hudson: “cloting”; (P)
J ones, Wm. G., “ Chamber ” St (P) : “ J. K. J. Ten Cents”,
Nickel: good; 2 pcs.
Jury, Benj., 1848 (F S.) : Kossuth, rev., 12-line inscrip.
(P. PL): Law, II. (C): Leask, M. (IF); 4 pcs.
Leverett A Thomas, N. Y. (C): very good; seldom as fine
Long’s “Brilliant” (in rebus): Milton A Co.: [(J); 2 pcs
Merle, J. A. A Co., New Orleans: Geneva motto; (P)
642 Moffet, J. G., N. Y., “br . ass’’ and one “gold . silver”:
I (X);2pcs.
|643 Nicholson, St. L ouis: (X); balance
[644 Peales Museum, N. Y., 1825, Admit: counterstamped s w:
very good; (X)
645 Plastridge, Prov. Savings Bank: all Rhode Is. (TP): 1
pierced; 3 pcs.
646 Peck and Burnham, Dry Goods : rev., a planing machine;
f47 Reed’s Sons, (TP), Randall & Co. (id /S'.), Robinson, Jones
& Co., Ruggles, both (X); 4 pcs.
48 Richardson, W. II., Phila.: 104 (3 dies), 106, 418 and 807
Market St.: all (Z>) originals; 6 pcs.
649 Sampson, Z. S., (TP): Schenck: Seeger: Sleeper & Fenner
(3 X): Dr. Selleclc (B. Pl.)\ Squire & Son (X): good to
fine; 6 pcs.
650 Suit, Salt River, Ky. (C, B & PI. and TP), 2 plain-edged:
Starbuck & Son ( X ), Taylor & Co. (IF); 7 pcs.
Tredwell, Kissam & Co. 1823, N. Y. (A>); good
Van Cott, “ Racine ” ( C and B) and “ Racim ” “ Jewelery"
( C ): latter seldom so fine; 3 pcs.
Walsh; Webb, C. H. ( C ): Watson’s T store Cent (X):
very good; 3 pcs.
Willard ( C ): Wolfe, 22 Beaver St. N. Y,: Wolff, Peters¬
burg Va.: Woodcock W. P., Yates & Co. Phila.: (TP);
5 pcs.
Hart & Co: Plall & Co: Hudnut: Norton & Co.: National
Asylum, Augusta, Me.: Rubber and Diatite cards; 6 pcs.
Transportation tickets: Stages: Mitchell {F. S.)\ Durkee
(3 donkeys): Vine: 6th and 8th Sts. (B): 3rd Ave. Har¬
lem (X) — Railways: N. Y. & Harlaem (X! /S'.): 3rd Ave.
Yorkville ( TP) : Phila & Pottsville ( C ): Boston and N.
Y. (Rubber): 2 pierced: 1 poor: good to fine ; 9 pcs.
657 Duplicates etc.: 3 pierced: poor to fine; 22 pcs.
658 Medical cards : all dif. : various metals (3 nickel); 20 pcs.
659 Alleghany County Pa. cards: all dif. (1 pierced); 11 pcs.
660 1863 Cards of Indiana, Ohio and N. Y. (no city) : all with
same Indian head: (B. PI.) all dif. firms: splendid lot : a
Die Sinker’ samples; 57 pcs.
Numismatic Cards ; Die Sinkers, Dealers, Etc.
1 663
/ 3 666
Benziger Bros. N. Y. ( W. gilt)
Bolen: 1862, ’67, one rev. Libertas (£7): 1865, ’69 ( IT ) : 5
Chubbuck: rev., telegraph alphabet: Curtis, head Allan, and
Antiquary rev. Cherub on Baltimore whale?: (£7); 3 pcs.
Diehl (C. and IE): Dorman, 2 dies (B) : Gleason, 2 dies:
Henning: (3 £7); 7 pcs.
Hill: rev., Forrest (IE): Horter, one rev. Rahm’s card ( C ):
Idler, eagle ( £7, B, IE), and Confederate Cent head
(. Nickel ); 7 pcs.
Key, F. C. & Sons. 329 Arch St. rev. Wildey ( £7 ): Witch
on broom, and 123 Arch St. Webster ( IE); 3 pcs.
Lovett, J. D.; 1 Courtland St. N. Y. ( Silver )
Lovett, R. Phila: Wash, on horse (B) : St. George (C., B.,
F. S.): 2 milled: also G. II. Lovett, N. Y. rev., cherub on
a Baltimore whale, (£7 and IE); 7 pcs.
Marshall: 1860 (Silver; Rand IE): 1862 ( £7) : Merriam:
Wash., Sayers, “ Scent’’ and “Cent”: (£7); 8 pcs.
Miller & Co.: Louisville, Ky. ; (£7 and IE)
Mullen, Win. J. N. Y. 1828: fine portrait of the man whose
gorgeous tomb was exhibited at the Centennial and after¬
ward by himself in the Cemetery. I believe this is one of
Wright & Bale’s fine works; (C)
Robinson: (67, B. and Nickel): revs, of Granby 3d.: Sage&
Co.: revs., Washington Hotel, now destroyed ( £7 . B.) and
old City Hall ( IE); 6 pcs.
Sage’s Gallery: Bogert: Colburn: Winslow: Dr. Lewis M.D.:
Jaudon (revs., No. 5 and 6): all (£7): and Chesley
( IE) ; 6 pcs.
\\ right & Bale (C): and Smith & Hartmann their successors
(B. and IE); 3 pcs.
9 675
//67 6
JoS 83
/ ^685
1834-’41 Anti- Jackson Tokens , connected with the United
States Bank troubles: the finest and most complete series
ever offered as a lot: far excelling those in the “ Hubbard
Sale,’’ July ’83: which brought 25^‘ ea. : each piece in a
separate envelope numbered according to Scott’s list in the
Coin Collector's Journal: the two “a’’ lots being fine
sub-varieties struck from rusted dies. Nos. 3, 6, 7, 7a, 8,
11, 13, 14, 16, 16a, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 32J, 33J, 34, 35, 35J, 36f, 41, 42, 44, 45,
46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54: also three dies of Feuchtwanger
Cents: none pierced: 1 fair (32-|): 13 very good: 23 fine
and 7 uncirc. ; total 44 pcs.
1857 U. S. Half Cents: uncirculated: bright; 10 pcs.
U. S. Cents: 1800 (2), ’2 (3), ’3, ’8 (2), ’10 (2), ’ll, T2, T3
(2), T4 (3), ’17 (15 stars), ’18, T9, ’20, '21, ’22, ’23, ’24,
’33, ’34, ’38, ’44 (2), ’45, ’46 (2), ’47, ’48, ’50, ’51, ’2, ’3,
’4, ’5, ’7: fair to red uncirculated (5); 41 pcs.
Uncirculated Cents of 1857, ’58 large and small letters: ’59,
’60, T, ’2, ’3, ’4 Nickels: ’63, ’4 (one with Longacre’s
initial), ’5, ’6, ’7, ’8, ’9: ’70, ’1, ’2, ’3, ’4, ’8, ’9, Bronze;
24 pcs.
Uncirculated Two Cent pees.: 1864 (large and small mot¬
toes), ’65, ’66, ’67, ’69, ’7o, ’71, ’72 (fine) mostly bright:
the “smatt'b 4” very seldom found; 9 pcs.
Uncirc. Three Cent nickels: 1865, ’6, ’7, ’70, T, ’2, ’3, ’4;
8 pcs.
1858 Small eagle Cent: nickel; proof
1861 and ’63 Nickel Cents: struck on copper-plated planchets:
uncirc.; 2 pcs.
1863 Bronze Cent; peacock proof
1865 Copper Quarter Dol.: with motto; proof
1866 Pewter Five Cents: bust Washington: rev., like ’67
regular: very fine; few struck
1866 Another pattern mule: same bust of Wash, on each
side: pewter: planchet not full on neck; very fine
z 687
SJ 690
5^° 691
c?5" 695
■®° 700
T£> 702
-3<5~ 703
1846-’54-’6 Copper Counterfeits of $5 and $1 (3 var.): finely
executed ; 4 pcs.
1878 Small proof set: 1, 3, 5 c; 3 pcs.
1878 Duplicate set; 3 pcs.
1881 Small proof set; 3 pcs.
1846 Dime: very good impression; fine for date
1846 Dime: exact duplicate in condition
1831 and ’49 Half Dimes: very fine: sharp; 2 pcs.
1863 and ’73 Half Dimes: proofs; 2 pcs.
1872 Half Dime: S an F? -ancisco mint; uncirc.
1852, ’3, ’4, ’5, ’70: Three Cents silver: first three uncirc. :
’55 not sharp on right, otherwise fine: ’70 fine; 5 pcs.
1873 Silver Three Cents: proof; few issued
1722 Wood’s Half-penny: harp on left ; very good
1722 Wood’s Half-penny: harp on right: type of 1723; good
for the piece
1788 Mass. Cent; good
1787 Connec. Cents: “auctopi”: “et lib inde ” : and
two pheons over head, good; 3 pcs.
1783 Nova Constellatio: Roman u. s. ; fine
Washington 2nd inauguration token by Jacob Perkins: fine:
brass; 16
1773-87 Va.. N. J. and Yt. Cents: poor to good; 5 pcs.
705 The most extensive collection of Presidential medalets ever
offered : being in th & finest condition obtainable , with few
metal varieties, and no duplicates: containing many of
limited issues: illustrating the political history of the
IT. S. for the past half century
S_ «
<u •
*3 .2
C Tj
3! o
Washington .
Madison ....
Jackson .
Claj1- .
Van Buren. .
• • • •
Harrison ....
Webster .
Polk .
Taylor .
Cass .
Fillmore ....
Pierce .
Scott .
Buchanan .. .
• • • •
• • • •
Fremont ....
V • • •
• • * •
Lincoln .
6 ger. sil.
McClellan . .
Douglas .
1 compos.
Bell .
Johnson ....
• • • •
• • • •
. . . .
• • • •
Grant ....
• • • •
• • • •
1 rubber.
Seymour. . . .
• • • •
. . . .
• • • •
• • • •
Greeley ....
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
« * • •
Hayes .
• . • •
1 cellu.
Tilden .
• • • •
• • • •
7 “
• • • •
Garfield .
• • • •
. . . .
. . . .
Hancock ....
. .
Cleveland . . .
• • • •
1 wood.
Blaine .
• • • m
1 “
Seward ....
. . . .
• • • •
• . • .
• i • .
Yerplanck . .
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
• • • •
Society ... .
• • • •
116 1
Many common varieties have been excluded on account of
their condition: all carefully wrapped to protect surfaces:
sizes 8 to 42; 438 pcs.
W 70S
Jo 710
1884 Blaine and Logan (10): Cleveland and Hendricks (12):
collection of the medals of the past campaign: all metal
but 2 (wooden): one with handsome silk badge: two
names, Blaine, Cleveland, struck out of brass, with
pins, bronze, brass, w.m., and wood: a fine lot; 22 pcs.
Badges with portrait, Ac., of candidates — B. & L., etc.; 10
1884 New Brunswick Centennial: arms: few struck: w.m :
perfect; 20
1883 Newburg Centennial: Washington r. : rev., head¬
quarters: w.m.: pierced: 20; 2 pcs.
1875 Mecklenburg Centennial: struck in Phila. mint: bronze:
proof; 19
Turner Society medals: all dif. and perfect: cop. and w.m.,
16 to 26; 9 pcs.
Various medals: Wash., etc.: cop., hr., w.m.: 15 to 26: some
pierced: all fine; 28 pcs.
The coins here described of the Turkish Dominion are authentic
as to date and country , unlike those usually offered: as is well
known , the coins issued in Turkey until recently , are of a low
grade of silver, but genuine nevertheless : while the Dependencies
used good silver in almost all cases : sizes given.
< 713
A 7 19
1760 Java: J Guilder of Dutch E. I. Co.: lion on crowned
shield; uncirculated
1760 Java: 4 Guilder: crowned shield, no lion; uncirculated
1802 Java: Guilder: ship r., without usual circle and
brackets; uncirculated
1806 Java: Rupee for Zoerabaya: native and Arabic in¬
scriptions only: pin scratch: fine, broad; 20
(1853) Japan: gold Nibou of Osa-hito: very fine; 5x8
(1853) Japan: gold Nisiu: similar: very fine; 4x7
Japan: Bou, Diu and Go Sen: uncirculated; 3 pcs.
1172 A. H.: Arcot: 2 Annas: rose; fine
1840-1 India: J and £ Rupee: round heads of Victoria: un¬
circulated; 2 pcs.
722 1883 Hawaii : proof set of Kalakaua I.: profile r. : rev.,
arms and values: akahi dala (Dollar), hapalua (50
Cents), hapaha (25 Cents), umi keneta (10 Cents) :
planehets not as highly polished as IT. S. sets, still the finest
set yet offered; 4 pcs.
' 723 1242 Algiers: Zudi (Dollar) under Mahmoud IT.: “ Dharb
fi .Tezair’’ on shield: rev., four lines Arabic in circle with
ovate ornaments: fine; 24
«2o724 1242 Algiers: Rebia (£ Dol.) of same: rev., three lines Ara¬
bic: fine; 14
725 1247 Constantina in Algiers: Half Rebia (yL- Dol.) Mahmoud
II.: “ Dharb fi Qostathineh ”: good: now first offered; 12
327 26 1242 Tunis: Two Piastres or 32 Caroubs; under Mahmoud
If.: “ Dharb fi Tunis”: rev., four lines Arabic; 17
<§"727 1254 Morocco: Uquijeh of Sultan Mulai Abd-er-rahman :
mis-struck as usual: struck at Fez: very fair; 11
cP728 1243-’8 Egypt: Ghersh of Viceroy Mehetnet Ali: roses of
pellets in outer border: 3 sizes (1 poor), 2 pierced: very
good: 12 to 18; 3 j)cs.
t3 729 1266-’9 Egypt: Yermelik and Onlik of Viceroy Abbas: fine:
9, 10; 2 pcs.
7730 1290-’85-’8 Egypt: Ghersh, Yermelik and Onlik of Ismail:
fair to fine: 8 to 12; 3 pcs.
ie 731 1299 Egypt: Ghersh of Tewfik: very fine; 12
^732 1203 Islamboul: Iklik of Selim III.: pierced: very good; 15
- 733 1187 Constantinople: Medjedeer or 20 Piastres, of Abdul
Hamid I.: his toghra: “ Dharb fi Qostantinieh ”: rev., four
lines Arabic: very fine; 24
3/ 734 1187 Constantinople: Peshlik (5 Piastres): like preceding:
additional rose: fine; 15
735 1223 Constantinople: Onlik (10 Pi.) of Mahmoud II.: long
inscriptions in circles of flowers: uncirculated: fine silver;
/o73 6 1223 Peshlik (5 Pi.) of same design: uncirc.; 18
J&5737 1249 Constantinople: Onlik (10 Pi.) of Mahmoud II.: date
and mint in looped wreath: rev., toghra: wreathes of
roses: fine; 24
738 1208 Georgia: Abbassi of Erekle II.: “ Fi Tiflis dharb ”:
fine; 12
lb 739
- 740
So 742
3/ 743
lL 744
I Qouo
A 746
4/o 747
-2© 748
°£© 749
Georgia: Abbassi: unknown reigns: fine: 7; 2 pcs.
(1584) Russia: Kopeck of Ivan, the Terrible: cavalier with
drawn sword r. : rev., four line inscrip.: good; it is claimed
that but 3 or 4 of these are known
(1598) Russia: Kopeck of Boris Godunov: cavalier with
lance: Moscow mint; fine
(1645) Russia: Kopeck of Michael Romanoff: rude cavalier;
(1676) Russia: Kopeck of Alexis; very good
(1682) Russia: Five Kopecks of Peter the Great: Imperial
eagle; very good
1798 Jever: Crown of Frederica Aug. Sophia as Adminis¬
tratress: sister of Katherine II. of Russia: Russian eagle
bearing shield of Jever; fine
(1587) Poland: Quarter Crown of Sigismund III.: bust in
armor with sword and orb; very good
1814 Warsaw: £ Talara of Fred. Aug. as Duke: drift-
marks; very good
1835 Cracow: 5 and 10 Groszy of Republic, before its
seizure by Austria: uncirc. : sharp; 2 pcs.
1836 Russ-Poland: Zloty: value in Russian; uncirc.
1840 Russ-Poland: 5 Groszy: value in Polish only; uncirc.
1846 Russ-Poland: 50 Groszy: Russian inscriptions: this
type seldom offered; fine
1830 Posony: | coronation Crown of Francis I. and Ferd.
Y. : profiles jugata; fine
1769 Malta: Scudo of F. Emanuel Pinto: large shield: rev.,
St. John full-face lamb r., standing: centre weak; very
1711 Brunswick-L.: Half Crown of Geo. I. (of England) :
wild man with tree on his right, 9 small trees at feet;
1624-1870: Germany: 3 to 7 Groschen: Ferd I. II., Ferd.
Chas., Leopold for Flanders, etc.: fair (2) to uncirculated;
10 pcs.
!Z 756
35 762
/y 763
1/0 765
-^o 770
c55 772
/<£ 774
1730 Cologne Senate token, with inserted copper centre: let¬
tered edge; fine
Jesus Emanuel: fine figure of the Infant Saviour: rev., in¬
scrip. 9 lines: proof; 14
(1577) Portugal: Testoon of Sebastian I.: good; gilt
(1367) Venice: gold Sequin or Ducat of Doge Andrea Con-
tarini: St. Mark standing gives the gonfalon to the kneel¬
ing Doge; very fine
(1307) England: Penny of Edward I.: civitas lincol ;
Penny of Edward I.: villa bristollie; very good
(1327) Penny of Edward II.: civitas cantor.; very good
(1509) Groat of Henry VII.: full face: anchor: good;
(1547) Groat of Henry VIII.: bust r.: rose m. m.; very
(1602) Penny of Elizabeth: London: cross-crosslet; very
1679 Penny of Charles II. ; very fine
1827 Penny of George IV.; proof
1832 Twopence of Wm. IV.; uncirculated
1858 Canada: proof set with milled edges: 20. 10, 5 Cents:
a desirable set; 3 pcs.
1731 Windward Isles: 12 Sous; very good
1822 Cura9ao: Stuiver; proof surface
1871 Honduras: 25 Centavos: first silver coinage; fine
1862 Lima: Independence token: pierced; fine
1816 Santiago: Quartino: lion and castle; very good
1864 and ’6 Mexico: 10 Centavos: 1864, Guanaxuato, 5 C. :
all Maximilian: very good to fine; 3 pcs.
1824 Mexico: electrotype of the pattern Victoria Dollar:
plated; fine
1860 Argentine Republic: hands clasped over liberty-cap
and pole, in radiated clouds: arms of the 14 principal
cities, each in wreath: a fine medal: white metal; size 35
All guaranteed authentic ; the first 10 lots are Ancient.
3 cro 779
If 789
Ancient Egyptian Scarabeus: engraved design sphinx, hawk,
etc.: fine ; 7x9
Roman Intaglio : man with olive branch rests on a cippus,
tripod altar in background: red carnelian, set in solid
gold ring; weighs 2f dwt.
Roman Intaglio:. nude man erecting a trophy : polished work:
mottled carnelian; 7x9
Intaglio: a small King delivers his sceptre to a larger King:
dark brown stone, chipped on back, not injuring obv. :
polished work; 6x8
Augustan Intaglio: Capricorn 1. with palm branch: chal¬
cedony; 6x8
Intaglio: female seated under a tree offers to a large bird:
Sardonyx; 5x7
Intaglio: female standing holds cornucopia and spear of
wheat; chalcedony; 6x7
Intaglio: Homeric bust: carnelian: slight chip on outer
edge; 6x7
Greek Intaglio: beautifully designed soldier in attitude of
defence, another wounded at his feet: clear quartz or
paste (antique nevertheless); 6x7
Scarab-like Intaglio: butterfly over torch between bow and
crossed arrows: red and white carnelian; 7x9
Modern Intaglios: beautifully engraved crests: lion; Hygeia
with serpent: (probably ancient) ; falcon: cock with
gauntlet, fawn with arrow, etc.: carnelian, sardonyx,
chalcedony and onyx: all perfect stones: 6x7 to 8x10;
8 pcs.
Motto Intaglios in paste: rebus designs, “ eye love yew ”:
“ eye hope yew are well ”: stop thief: Satan and Cupid,
etc., imitating various stones: 4 chipped on edges; 12
780a Insects embedded in amber: handsomely polished speci¬
mens: 12 and 14; 2 pcs.
is 781a Crystal watch charm, mounted; 12x16
So 782a Cut Opals: beautiful colors: green and red, round, thick:
6; 2 pcs.
783 a Cut Opals: tine colors: oval: 5x6; 2 pcs.
'<^c'784« Cut Opals: need more polishing: good colors: 4 and 6;
» 2 pcs.
c^to785 a Uncut Opals in matrix, from Honduras: magnificent colors:
largest (12x16) is a mass of tire; 3 pcs.
} 786 a Brazilian Topazes, uncut: light amber color: size 9 to 16;
15 pcs.
V*787« Dark Topazes, uncut: 12 to 15; 6 pcs.
15 788 a Greenish Topaz, uncut: unlike any I’ve seen: thick: 6x8
789a Gray and lavender crystal of Apatite : Renfrew Co.,
Canada; 9x18
790 Gray and white crystal of Apatite in pinkish stone: same
locality: a little gem; 11x14
/ 791 Topaz, native copper, zinc, amethystic crystals with specu¬
lar iron, etc.: nice lot of specimens; 25 pcs.
-r792 Alligator teeth, unpolished: 7 pcs.
-3/ 793 Stone arrowheads, bunts, peelers, “shinny balls” from va¬
rious localities, S fish-knives and petrified bone, from
grave at Lake Alto, Fla.: poor to fine; 65 pcs.
#37 94 Chinese paper money: 30 Taels silver ($40) : 3jx9 inches;
very good
-3/795 Japan note: 5 Yen: view of mint; fine
796 1837 Canada: W. & J. Bell, Perth: 30 Pence; very good
797 (1793) French Assignats: dif. signatures, etc. : very fine;
7 pcs.
-8 798 Assignats: good to fine; 38 pcs.
/ 799 Colonial notes, North and South Carolina, Va., Del. 20
shil. to $100: 3 fair, others very good to fine: no dupli¬
cates; 12 pcs.
800 Old bank notes, all different, some beauties: generally fine
engravings: 2 frauds; 28 pcs.
801 Confederate notes, each numbered according to Ilaseltine’s
list: no duplicates, letter varieties, nor counterfeits: 3
cancelled marked with *: Nos. 8, 16, 20, 21, 23, 25, 25^-,
27, 30, 31, 31-J, 33, 36, 37*, 39, 45, 47, 50*, 52, 53, 63, 64,
66, 67*, 74, 86, 91, 109, 112, 113, 117, 120, 126, 134, 135*
136: 3 poor, others good to uncirc. ; 36 pcs.
// 805
o 806
/ 807
/ 809
/5 810
/ 7 811
/ o—o815
lf-5 817
State notes of Nor. Ca., Ya., Miss., Georgia and Louisiana:
all diff. : very good to uncirc. ; 20 pcs.
Provisional notes, Northern 12, Southern 5: all dif. : very
good lot; 17 pcs.
Proof impressions in black on thin card, of U. S. currency
5c. Clark, 10c. Wash., 25c. Fess., 50c. Spinner: obvs. only:
clean and perfect; 4 pcs.
Large paper revs, of 5c. and 25c. notes: green: fine; 2 pcs.
$1 0,000 Transfer Cert.if. signed by Gen. Dix: Continental
Gas Co. N. Y. 570 shares, forged (?): and $500, $1,000
Confed. Certifs. heavy paper impressions: fine lot; 5 pcs.
Collection of Postage Stamps, no duplicates: nice clean lot:
no frauds; 212 pcs.
Collection of Revenue Stamps: few foreign: Match, Medi¬
cine, Cigar, Tobacco and Beer, (one ^ bbl.): many early
issues: a desirable lot: all dif.; 165 pcs.
Duplicates from last two lots: great variety: good lot;
275 pcs.
East Indian love token: mother-of-pearl: engraved scenes:
mended; 20
Lincoln funeral badges: silk, fine: 5 pcs.
Dickeson’s Numismatic Manual: perfect clean copy of the
best edition; Phila. 4to, 1865, cloth
Banker’s Almanac 1873, 8 plates of coins: N. Y. Cloth. 8vo.
Luckius: Collection of the choice coins, medals and siege
pieces of 16th century: hundreds of fine copper-plates:
Latin text : Strasburg 1620, folio, vellum, clean and
Joachim’s “ Newly Opened Cabinet”: illustrated with .nu¬
merous beautiful plates of European coins: German text:
Nuremberg 1 7 6 1 — ’ 7 3 : 4to, sheep: 4 vols ; fine clean copy
Patin : Romanorum Numismata : illustrating over 1,500
ancient coins : principally of Roman Colonies : a very
valuable work of a most eminent Numismatist: Amster¬
dam 1697: folio, calf: fine, clean copy: cover much worn
Scldegel on Bracteates: 2 plates: Dresden, 1697: sm. 8vo,
bds. ; fine
Yon Bergmann on Mohammedan Coins: plate: Yienna,
1873; 8 vo, paper
2jI 820
!%/ 821
IS 823
11 824
jo 826
£/ 828
/ o 829
^ 830
/ £831
Kingsford on the “Vexator Canadensis”: Ottawa, 1874:
illust. ; 2 pcs.
Coin Chart Manual; 48 pages of cuts
Rollin’s Catalogue of French Coins: prices: also Proskey’s
Illustrated Cats., 1878: only 100 printed; 3 pcs.
Breck’s Continental and Phillip’s Penna. Paper Money'.
1862-3: fine; 2 pcs.
Johnson on Bolen’s Medals; 1882; cloth, 8vo
Another in paper: also History of Mill River Disaster
(illust.): Belchertown Memorial Address (45 printed):
“ Light in Masonry,” illust. article on coins; 4 pamphlets
Priced Catalogue of the Paquet Sale, 1883, coins, dies, etc.;
few issued
Broadside issued by the Marquis de Cervara giving his
“ opinion of American Women” !
Farmer’s Almanac for 1818, ’23, ’26, ’36, ’43, ’44, ’46, ’49:
finer than usual; 8 pcs.
Connecticut Register and Almanac for 1827, ’44, ’47, '48:
interesting: one cloth; 4 pcs.
1829 Dublin Almanac, Directory and Register, with MAP
of the city: presentation copy, in full morocco and gilt:
this copy was sold in my July 12, ’83, sale for $2.25, but
the purchaser, expecting a Newgate Calendar containing
indecent records, was disappointed, and returned it on
the technicality of it not having two maps of the city,
the printer having made the description read “ maps’’
Bundle of Pamphlets, Catalogues, etc.
Illustrated Catalogues of Sandham, “ Historical,’’ Hub¬
bard and Frothingham sales: clean copies, 2 plates in
each (except last) ; 4 pcs.
When Silver , the denominations are given.
'832 (480 B. C.) Athens: Hemi-obolus: head Minerva: rev., owl;
• fine
833 Britain: man with ring: rev., dolphin over horse (?): rude:
bronze: Ruding, 71; very fair
834 Britain: silver Obolii: hog, annulet, pellets: very rude: very
fair (1 poor); 2 pcs.
Jh 835
IQ 836
% ' 837
So 838
J 7-36840
28 0 842
Bruttium, Calabria', heads Jupiter and female: revs., war¬
rior charging: Jupiter hurling thunderbolt: well pati-
nated: very good: size 13; 2 pcs.
Carthage, Africa: Ceres: rev., horse and palm: fine, green;
(285 B. C.) Egypt: Ptolemy Soter: usual type: very good;
(90 B. C.) Ptolemy IX. (Alexander I.): large and small
profiles with elephant head-dress : rev., eagle: very good:
14; 2 pcs.
(400 B. C.) Ephesus, Ionia: Drachm: the bee of Diana:
rev., stag and palm tree: very fair; good for the piece
(325 B. C.) Heraclea, Lucania: Didrachm: head of Pallas:
f face r., with crested helmet: rev., Hercules strangling a
lion; bow and club 1.: the only specimen ever offered in
this country, excelling, in some respects, a much-esteemed
specimen in the British Museum, lately photographed:
fine condition; the rev. particularly sharp
Uici, ITispania Tarraconensis : head Augustus: rev., a tem¬
ple: very fair; 13
Jerusalem, Judea: 135 B. C. -J- Shekel bronze of Prince
Simon Maccabaeus: pot of manna: “ Ligullath Zion”
(Redemption of Zion): rev., the “Lulab,” or bunch of
olive branches between two citrons: “ Deliverance of
Jerusalem, Year 4’’: very good example of the first
• Jewish bronze coins; 12
Judea: (58 A. D.): “ Widow’s Mite” or Lepton of the Pro¬
curator Claudius Felix: palm branch and wreath: green
patination ; very good
Duplicate of last; good, but obv. mis-struck
(324-296 B. C.) Macedonia: Alex, the Great and Philip
IV.: good: 10, 12; 2 pcs.
(42 B. C.) Philippi (Macedon): Victory 1.: tic. aug.: rev.,
three standards: coiior. pr.e. piiil.: in honor of the
Philippian Regiment who assisted Octavius and Marc
Antony to defeat Caesar’s assassins (Brutus and Cassius):
very fair; all distinct; 12: (lot 608, Dec. 22, 1882, sale
this type brought $3.25)
) £“©847
° 848
/© 853
/ cT 854
$5 855
£T 856
Smyrna: head Ceres r. : rev., Homer seated: fine green,
perfect patination; 15
(478 B. C.) Syracuse: under Gelon I.: Tetradrachm: sharp
head of Arethusa; wavy hair bound by fillet of pearls:
four dolphins: 2VPAK0^I0N: rev., charioteer driv¬
ing r. ; a fine thick specimen
Syracuse: different heads of Ceres 1.: revs., butting bull and
Pegasus 1.: former has a beautiful green patina: very
fine and good: 13; 2 pcs.
(187 B. C.) Syria: Antioclnis III. Magnus: profiler.: rev.,
grazing horse: very good; 14
(142 B. C.) Antiochus VI. Dionysius: radiated profile of
this youthful prince, whose reign of trouble lasted but 2
years: rev., an elephant with torch: dentellated rim: fine;
(281 B. C.) Thracia: Lysimachus: helmeted heads r. ; rev.,
large lions over spear head: Q. Curtius writes that L.
killed a monster lion single handed, which accounts for
the favorite emblem on his coins: very good: 12; 2 pcs.
Philadelphia, Amphipolis, and several unknown: poor to
fair; 8 pcs.
Aelia: head Juno: rev., Diana in biga of deers, anchor be¬
low; very good
Aemilia: equestrian statute on bridge: M. Aurelius Lepidus,
Triumvir with Caesar in 46 B. C. ; very good
Annia: 3rd Br. of the Triumvir Monetalis, Annius Lamia
Silius: hands clasped over caduceus: very good; 2 pcs.
Cassia: bust of Apollo throwing javelin : rev., dog between
two soldiers: tongs and bust of Vulcan above; fine
Cornelia: bust of Roman Geni: rev., gubernaculum, globe
and crowned sceptre: cn. LEN(tulus). Q(uaestor). ex. s.c. ;
very good
Another of same Quaestor, dif. : one with eagle on thunder¬
bolt and one of Postumus: rev., salus pkovinciaeum :
fair; 3 pcs.
So 860
<3© 861
3/5 862
3 i 863
^7 864
/ 865
' 866
•So 868
(69 B. C.) Pompey the Great: head Neptune r. with trident
mag. pi vs: rev., naval trophy praef. clas. et orae ma
(rit) (Praef ect of the Fleet and Marine Coast): for his
victories over the Mediterranean pirates: weakly struck
at top; very good
Trajan: rev., Victory with palm and crown: cos. mi — 103
A. D.: for victory over the Dacian King Decebalus; fine
(211 A. D.) Septimius Severus: fine profile: rev., Happiness
standing: felicitas augg (S and Caracalla); very fine
(244 A. D.) Gordian III.: his oldest bust crowned: rev.,
Providence with globe at feet; very fine
(248 A. D.) Philip I.: large and small busts: rev., cippus
inscribed cos iii(-248 A. D.): saeculares augg.: and one
the Temple of Roma, erected to commemorate Rome’s
1000th year: these were both struck for the restored sec¬
ular games the fourth and last under the empire: the
“ Jubilee years’’ of the Roman Catholic Church are the
continuation of these festivals: very fine (1 cracked plan-
chetj; 2 pcs.
(249 A. D.) Trajan Decius: rev., Genius of the Illyrian Army
by whom he was made Emp.; fine
(254 A. D.) Gallienus: rev., G. and his father Valerian over
an altar; very fine
(268 A. D.) Cornelia Salonina: fine bust on crescent: rev.,
Venus Felix seated; very fine
The folloiving are all Bronze.
roma: Sextans : eagle holding cross in beak: rev., Romulus
and Remus nursed by the wolf: good; size 19
Uncia of Luceria: head Janus: and small coin with dog:
good; 2 pcs.
(14 A. D.) Augustus: large 2nd Br.: profile r.: rev., S.C. in
olive wreath; very good
Augustus: 2nd Br. : crowned head 1.: rev., winged thunder¬
bolt; very good
Marcus Agrippa: 2nd Br.: fine portrait with the rostral
crown : Cos III. (-27 B. C.): rev., Neptune holds a dolphin
and trident: the finest coin of this great naval commander
I have ever seen; 19
V"‘ 873 (33 A. D.) Agrippina Sr.: 1st Br. : bust of daughter of pre¬
etc., struck bv her brother-in-law Claudius: counterstamp
in field n c a p r: (A’ummus Comprobatus A jFbpulo A o-
mano) : very good
874 Claudius: 3rd Br.: modius in field: cos . des . it (-42 A. D.) ;
very good
ss 875 (GO A. D.) Nero: 1st Br. : head 1.: rev., cavalry exercising
to r. : decursio: very good; green patination
^/>^/o876 (70 A. D.) Vespasian: 1st Br.: profile r.: rev., ivdaea capta:
V. with foot on a helmet, Judea weeping beneath palm:
very fair; distinct
877 Titus, Caesar: 2nd Br. : radiated profile, as Consul IIII. (-75
A. D.) with Vesp.: rev., felicitas publica: very good;
878 Domitian, Caesar: large 2nd Br.: youthful profile L, as Cos.
VII. (-80 A. D.) with Titus: rev., ceres augusti: very
good; 19
r>o879 Domitian Imp. : 4th Br.: a Rhinoceros walking r. : rev., s. c.
imp. domit. aug. germ.: these were issued in 88 A. D.
for the 3rd celebration of the Saecular games: the rhinoce¬
ros being one of the rare animals brought for exhibition;
very good
880 Nerva: 2nd Br.: Liberty with bell: Cos. III. (-97 A. D.);
881 (138) Hadrian: 2nd Br. : fine profiles r. : revs., libertas pub¬
lica, and Justitia Augusti, commemorating the Edicta
Perj^etua: fine and good; 2 pcs.
13 882 Sabina, Antoninus Pius and Faustina Sr.: 2nd Br. : also 1st
Br. of latter: good lot (1 poor); 4 pcs.
/c 883 (141) Faustina Sr. : bust r. : diva augusta Faustina: rev.,
the Empress dropping incense on a brazier; fine
y 884 Marcus Aurelius: IstBr.: struck in 170 after death of Verus
and in 180 his own death: also 2nd Br.: 1G4 A. D. (repulse
of the Parthians): fair to good; 4 pcs.
/3 885 (161) Faustina Jr.: 1st (2) and 2nd Br.: Fecundity holding
two infants: latter the twins Commodus and Antoninus
in a high bed: these coins commemorate their birth at
Lanuvium, 161 A. D.: very good; 3 pcs.
j 886 (147) Faustina Jr.: 2nd Br. : struck while Princess (very
good): also 1st Br.: venus victrici: fair; 2 pcs.
§>°S87 Commodus: 1st Br.: profile r.: rev., C. seated with sceptre
and olive branch: trp. xv-190 A. D. ; fine, green patina-
888 (183) Crispina: 2ndBr.: rev., luna lucifera: fair; Hobler
doesn’t mention this reverse
889 Alexander Severus: 1st Br. : fine profile: rev., Mars 1. with
foot on a prow: trp vii-228 A. D.; fine, beautiful green
890 (238) GordianllL: IstBr.: boyish busts: revs., Providentia
with globe in right hand : also Faith with army standards:
both struck on his accession: fine; 2 pcs.
JJ 891 (244) Gordian III.: 1st Br.: dif. busts: aeternitati aug:
pax aeternae and ADLOCUTUS AUGUSTI: G. ad¬
dressing his soldiers: a type not mentioned in any work
I’ve seen: rather poor, but discernable: others very good:
4 pcs.
892 (244) Philip I.: 1st Br.: bust r.: rev., hand, eagle and
wreathes on standards: fides exercitus: showing the
perfidy of the Praetorian Guard of whom P. was Praefect;
fine, dark green patina
55 893 (310) Maximinianus Hercules: 1st Br.: fine bust: rev., genio
populi romani; very fine
Qo 894 (3f 3) Maximinus Daza: 1st Br.: very fine profile: rev.,
genio imperatoris; a very fine, sharp coin, as perfect as
when struck
895 (337) Constantinus Magnus: 3rd Br.: prisoners beneath
labarum: also one constantinopolis struck in London:
Victory on prow: good and fine; 2 pcs.
896 (326) Crispus and Constantine Jr.: 3rd Br.: one with decor¬
ated armor: caesarum nostrorum: fine; 2 pcs.
IS 897 (350) Constans and Constantins II.: 3rd Br.: mailed and
draped busts: very fine; 4 pcs.
898 (337) Delmatius: 3rd Br.: bust r.: rev., soldiers with stan¬
dards: very fair; Humphrey values this at £1
899 (378) Valens, Valentin ian us: 3rd Br.: Justin and Sophia:
20 Noumia (568) and John Zimisces: fair to fine; 5 pcs.
I L> < 900 (741) One-third Solidus of Leo III., the Isaurian, and Con¬
stantine VI. Copronymus: full-faced bust on each side;
very line
+9j °901 (1078) Concave Solidus of Michael VII. Ducas Parapinaces:
the Emperor standing holds orb and labarum: AOVKAC:
rev., Christ seated; a beautifully struck specimen as line
when coined
^ -0902 (1143) Very broad Solidus of John II. Comnenus Porphyro
genitus: half-length figure of the great reformer holding
a double cross with the Virgin Mary on right: the Divine
hand touches J.’s helmet: rev., Christ seated holds the
Bible: a beautiful sharp uncirculated coin: unexcelled by
any I’ve seen; size 21
All bronze and very fine unless otherwise stated.
1867 Profile of Cyrus W. Field 1.: on clouds over cable:
ships at sea: hand from above crowns him: rev., resolu¬
tion of Congress, etc., in 13 lines: the largest size medal;
I 904 1847 Commonwealth of Virginia to Maj.-Gen. Winfield
Scott: bust, etc.: rev., plains and mountains of Mexico:
eagle on column: names of battles, etc.; 56
905 1862 Abraham Lincoln: bust to r.: rev., within circle,
Indian plowing, etc.: outer decoration: scalping scene,
etc.; 48
906 1881 James A. Garfield: profile to 1.: rev., within heavy
wreath of olive leaves: inaugurated, etc.; 48
4)09 07 Commodore M. C. Perry: profile to 1.: rev., within wreath
of olive and oak leaves: presented by merchants of
Boston, etc., in 14 lines; 42
908 1818 Maj.-Gen. William H. Harrison: military bust to r.:
rev., quite a lively battle; 41
£? 0909 1779 Paul Jones: bust r.: rev., naval battle off Scotland; 36
/ 910 1869 U. S. Grant: fine profile r.: rev., Pacific Railway
train passing Cathedral Rock: Silver j 29
2j 911
o 912
/o 913
-2/5 914
So 915
/o 919
7cT 920
0 922
<35 923
-2o 925
*> 926
1869 Same as last, but bronze; 29
1756 Col. Armstrong, for destroying Kittanning: the
Colonel orders one of his 3 soldiers to shoot a dummy
on corduroy road: rev., arms of Phila. : Silver / 28
1757 Geo. II.: bust 1.: rev., Phila. Quaker asking Indian to
look at the sun: origin of the “confidence game”; 28
1781 Col. Howard pursues British color-bearer: for Cow-
pens; 28
1825 Lafayette: bust r. : rev., eagle over U. S. between
monuments: visit to U. S. : very good: plugged at top:
Silver ; 19
Lafayette: bust r. : rev., the defender of American, etc.; 29
1864 Abraham Lincoln bust r. : below bust figures 25: rev.,
spring chicken as an eagle: thirteen stars: “forever in¬
separable”: tin: few nicks: fine; 15
1865 Abraham Lincoln bust r. : rev., broken column: flags,
etc.: born, assassinated, etc.: copper; 32
Lincoln: Wyon’s reduction from the Numismatic Society’s
large medal : bronze and w. m. : latter has few nicks :
10; 2 pcs.
Lincoln: beardless bust to r. on a porcelain placque: loop
for suspension: made in France: desirable; 6^ inches
Head of Lincoln in profile: by Gattionste: fine portrait :
brass, gold plated : with screw at back for attachment ;
Lincoln r. : by Paquet : rev., Washington : nude bust : the
gold mint medal set in a gold and enamelled frame, with
pendant and heavy glass centres for protection : a very
handsome and desirable ornament for watch charm or col¬
lection: weight 195 grains; 16
Henry Clay: profile to 1.: rev., hand on scroll and rock: fine
electro; 48
Danial Webster : profile to r. : rev., globe on column : fine
electro; 48
George Washington: profile to r.: rev., “ Washington cab¬
inet of medals”; 38
Washington, Kosciusko, Lafayette: profiles jugata 1.: rev.,
inscription in 12 lines: silvered; 32
*+° 927
/ 929
-$JO 930
AS 931
8 932
£ 934
/ L i
y 0—0 938
/S' 945
/S 946
1776 Washington and Franklin: busts jugata h: rev., beaver
gnawing tree; 26
1819 Washington: profiles r. and 1.: by Bacon and Vivier:
rev., inscriptions: one “takes the ccikev : 2 pcs.; 26
1797 Washington: Sansorn medal: Silver ; 26
1797 Another; bronze
1875 Wood’s satirical Washington Monument medal; 25
1869 Washington: Norwalk, Conn., memorial: rev., history
in 12 lines: Silver; 24
1861 Washington : mint, oath of allegiance : light nicks •
thick: Silver / 19
1859 Washington : memorial, etc. : time increases his fame:
2 pcs.; 12, 18
Washington: rev., Independence Hall: tomb at Mount
Vernon: bust of Franklin: bust of Edward Everett: w.
m. : 4 pcs.; 20, 24
Washington: steel engraving in frame of wood grown at
Mount Vernon: glass front; 50
1876 Centennial Commission medal; 36
1876 Same: small size: Silver y much finer proof than usual;
1876 Duplicates in bronze: one gilt: 2 pcs.; 24
1876 Nevada Centennial: struck from State ore for the Ex¬
hibition: view of mining, and railroad scene: rev., one-
legged soldiers presenting arms to liberty bell: Silver ;
1875 Centennial: battle of Lexington: minute man on
shield; 24
1878 Centennial: Wyoming: scene of the massacre: rev.,
monument; 23
1881 Centennial: Groton Heights: plan of Fort Griswold:
rev., two men loading and firing muskets; 25
1876 Centennial: Main and Horticultural Halls; copper and
tin, with loop: nicked: battle of Lexington: 3 pcs. ; 24,26
Souvenir: Stockton Hotel, Cape May: view of building- 21
1873 Granger’s badge: farming implements and products on
double 6-pointed star, with ribbon and bar clasp, on which
a plow; 24x40
eSo 94 7
loo 948
/ 5 0957
lSS^ View of smelting works, in Pah-Ranagat district,
Nevada: Silver : very good; 20
1859 River god seated: rev., a building, etc.: commemo¬
rating the introduction of water into the City of Brook¬
lyn before the nomination of the now notorious St. John
for President: Silver ; 22
American Institute medal : not engraved: Silver ; 18
1858 Agricult. Soc. of Ridgeway and Shelby: obv., cornu¬
copias surrounding bee-hive: Silver’ 28
1815 Benjamin West: bust 1. by Mills : rev., inscription by
his friend in 13 lines: Silver; 26
1 866—7 7 John Wesley, Pius IX. and Thos. Wildey: Odd¬
fellows: w.m. and brass: 24 to 32; 3 pcs.
1863-77 Stonewall Jackson, Gen. Sherman, & Col. of 13th
Pa. N. G. : w.m. and bronze: 17 to 32; 3 pcs.
Haverford College, Jenny Lind, Cable, Lincoln and Repub¬
lican medals: cop., br. and w.m.: 15 to 26; 5 pcs.
Mobile Jockey Club and the trotter G. M. Patchen: brass
and w.m.: 17; 2 pcs.
Wm. Pitt: bust 1.: rev., “tiie man who haying saved the
parent,” etc.: bronze, original: much finer than usual; 25
Wm. Pitt: similar to preceding but from different dies:
larger letters: Silver; 28
! o 958 “ Rt. Honble. William Pitt”: fine bust 1. by Wyon: for the
‘‘Manchester Pitt Club 1813.”: rev., a gladiator and an
orator on rocks mildly awaits the attack of demoniac
mob, priests overthrown: Health, Justice and Charity
protect two children on left: in ex. himself an host: a
very beautiful work by T. Wyon , Jr. : Silver: small nick on
obv. otherwise proof; 32
Jot 959 1781 Dutcii-American Peace Medals: two war-ships at
sea: iioe zee de brit ruimt zee: rev., inscription of 8
lines: Silver; 19
960 1781 Injures Coacta: a female rising from a bale to follow
the Dutch lion: rev., names of seven Dutch Admirals in
wreaths: a fine medal by Jloltzhey: Silver; 28
961 1782 Holland congratulates free America while Britannia
offers an olive branch: a cherub from above brings a cap
for America: rev., arms of Friesland: inscription of 8
lines: Silver; 28
^ (00962 1782 Fame seated on clouds with U. S. and Dutch shields:
rev., Mercury crowns the arms of Amsterdam in a monu¬
ment labelled, prodromus: rooster on plow handle over
anchor: justitiam et non temnere divas: by Holtzhey:
Silver; 28
/ J © 963
/ / 5 964
/ / O 905
2> 8 o966
I / o 967
) 0—0 968
/ 3 0969
/ So 970
I y 5971
J 55 972
/ <r-®973
J So 974
\Lo 975
1588 Saxony: Crown of Christian: half-length bust r. : in
full armor, helmet in hand: rev., arms; very good
1593 Crown of three Dukes: busts of Christian II., John,
Geo. and Augustus: rev., arms; very good
1602 Crown of the eight Dukes: two rows of Dukes: four
each side; good
1627 Double Crown of John Casimir: figure in armor on
horse r. : elend nicht schat wer tugent hat: rev.,
large shield surmounted by six fancy helmets: fine; 37
1657 Crown of John Geo. II.: the Duke on horse: “ Patriae”
at horse’s tail; rev., titles in 12 lines
1817 Crown of Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld: bust 1.:
rev., fur gott und vaterland, over arms; very fine
1774 Schwabach: Crown of Alexander, Margrave of Bran¬
denburg: bust r. : rev., lion with shield and trophies of
war; fine
1812 Switzerland: Canton Appenzell: Crown: bear ram¬
pant on shield: rev., knight with heavy sword: uncircu¬
lated; proof surface
1621 Basle: Crown: the “baselstab” and date in circle:
rev., eagle displayed; good
1835 Berne: Crown: warrior standing in oval: rev., arms
on crowned shield; very fine
1621 St. Gall: Crown: bear rampant-passant: rev., Im¬
perial eagle; very fair
1780 St. Gall: Crown of Bishop Beda: arms decorated with
“ Order of Annunciation to the Virgin”: rev., an erect
bear with log over his shoulder; fine
1874 St. Gall: Five Francs of the Schutzenfest: an army
pray on the hill side, tents and city in distance: rev., view
of city and procession; uncirculated
/ °5 976
/ •?/ ° 977
/ / ©978
/ / © 979
/ / 0 980
/ 3 0981
/ 0^983
// 0984
/ O—o 987
/ 3 0988
*7^ 989
1867 Schwytz: Five Francs (Schutzenfest) : lion regardant ,
protecting shield : rev., trophy of arms; uncirculated
1813 Zurich: Crown: oak wreath over shield: rev., motto in
olive wreath; line
1618 Teutonic Order: Crown of Maximilian: bust r. : rev.,
arms; uncirculated
1623 Tyrol: Crown of Archduke Ferdinand: bust in armor,
with sceptre: rev., arms, with Spanish quartering: very
1624 Tyrol: Crown of Archduke Leopold: bust in monk’s
cloak: rev., crowned arms; very fine
1632 Tyrol: Crown of Leopold: half-length bust in armor,
crowned: rev., arms within “ Order of the Golden Fleece
verv fine
1781 Vienna: Crown of Christopher, Cardinal de Migazzi:
fine bust r. : rev., Cardinal’s hat over arms; uncirculated
(1568) Weerdt: Crown of Philip, Baron of Montmorency:
St. Martin dividing his cloak with a very small beggar:
rev., two shields, with helmets surmounting; very good
1659 Zwolle: Crown: mailed warrior standing with shield
bearing St. Michael and his dragon: rev., lion on crowned
shield; very good
1590 Parma & Placentia: Double Crown of Alexander Far-
nese: large bust r., in draped armor: rev., Pallas with
Parmese lily and cornucopia, between river-god and a
dog: placentia . komanor . colonia; very good and
1626 Parma and Placentia : Double Crown of Odoardo
Farnese, grandson of preceding: bust in elaborate armor:
rev., two cherubs hold a crown over Virgin and Child
seated between blooming lilies: mille . clypei pendent;
very good (importation cost $16)
1791 Ragusa: Crown: female bustr.: rev., crowned shield:
fide . et . just . duce deo; very good
1769 Venice: Crown of Doge Alvisio Mocenigo: female bust
with ermine cloak: rev., lion of St. Mark; very fine
1792 Genoa: Four Lire: St. John Baptist standing: rev.,
arms; very good
/ 3 0990
jo 991
/ */*cT 992
/ © " 994
IfL 995
I Lf-Z 996
jo 998
35 999
J0 1002
/ ^ O 1005
1744 Lucca: Crown: crowned arras: rev., St. Martin on
horse, gives a beggar part of his cloak; rubbed on promi¬
nent points, otherwise fine
1805 Lucca and Piombino: Five Francs of Felix and Elisa :
profiles jugata r. ; very good
1677 Rome: Crown of Innocent XI.: large bust r. : rev.,
view of St. Peters, frontal : portae . inferi . non . pr/E-
valemjnt; very good
1696 Rome: Testoon of Innocent XII.: his arms : rev.,
rogate ea quae pa cem sunt.: also 5 Baiocclii of Pius
VI.: very fine; 2 pcs.
1834 Rome: Crown of Gregory XVI.: bust 1.: rev., pre¬
sentation of the infant Christ at the Temple ; fine
1850 etc. Rome: Pius IX.: Crown, 50, 20 and 5 Baiocclii
(set except 10 B.): uncirculated (50 B. very good); 4 pcs.
1870 Rome: Five Lire of Pius IX. : bust by Voigt: rev.,
value in oak and olive wreath: this was the last issue of
the Papacy: the Italians taking Rome in Sept, after the
Pope’s “Infallibility” had been declared; fine
1723 Malta: Two Taring of Manuel de Vilhena: lion ram¬
pant: rev., cross; fine
1738 Two Scudi of Raymond Despuig: bust r. in armor:
rev., arms crowned; very good
1738 Scudo of Raymond Despuig: similar to preceding:
face weak and worn; good
1741 Scudo of Emanuel Pinto: his bust 1.: rev., arms;
very good
1764 Scudo of Pinto: smaller letters: no legend on rev.:
larger shield ; good
1759 Two Scudi of Pinto: crowned arms: rev., St. John r.
with lamb reclining at feet; very good
1761 Scudo of Pinto: similar bust, but St. John left , lamb
standing; good
1774 Scudo of Francis X. de Texada: bust r. : rev., his
arms; fine
1796 Two Scudi of Emanuel de Rohan: bust r.: rev., arms
(a cross) on oval shield in olive wreath; very fine
35 1006
35 1007
I ° 1009
9/15 1010
J f 1011
I 3 o1012
/ 3° 1013
I J-j-c 1014
-2/ 1015
/ /o 1016
1781 Scudo of Rohan: similar bust: rev., arms (cross and
lozenges) on eagle; very good
1776 Seudo of Rohan : large bust : rev., arms, but no
legend; good
1777-9 One and Two Tarins of Rohan: fine; 2 pcs.
1875 Greece: Five Drachme of George I. : profile 1. :
rEnPri02 A BA21AE V2 TELN EAAHNELN : rev.,
crowned arms; uncirc.
1705 Russia : Beard token : nose, moustache and beard :
rev., Imperial eagle over date. These tokens were used
as receipts for those who paid the govt, tax levied on
wearers of the beard: uncirculated; desirable
Ruble of Peter the Great: bust r. : rev., Imperial eagle:
Moscow mint; good
1725 Ruble of Peter the Great: short bust: rev., Greek
P’s in form of a cross: Moscow m. ; fine
1726 Ruble of Katherine I.: bust 1.: rev., Imperial eagle:
Moscow: very good
1744 Ruble of Elizabeth I.: elephantine bust r.: rev., arms
on double eagle: St. Petersburg m. ; very fine
1758 Five Kopecks of Katherine II. : shields with eagles;
very good
1797 Ruble of Pauli.: cross formed of P’s: rev., tablet
inscribed “not unto us,” etc.: St. Petersburg; very fine
1835 Platjna: Three Rubles of Nicholas I. ; fine
1851-75 Alexander II.: Ruble, Poltina, 25, 15, 10, 5 Ko¬
pecks (complete set, except 20 K.): uncirculated; 6 pcs.
1836-7 Russia-Poland: 10, 5 and 2 Zlot (1-J-, J Rubles; 30
Kop.): of Nicholas I.: very good; 3 pcs.
1760 Poland: Crown of Fred. Augustus of Saxony: large
bust r.: rev., crowned shields of both countries; very fine
1852 France: Five Francs of President Louis-Napoleon
Bonaparte; very good
1871 France : Five Francs of the Commune : Hercules
between two females: slight nicks, otherwise uncirculated
/© 1023
<5© 1024
$£ 1025
^ 1026
<3o 1028
clT 0103 1
3© 1033
y 01039
Acilia: head of Salus r. : rev., Ilygeia with serpent; good
Aemelia: King Aretas, kneeling beside a camel, offers
olive branch: rev., scorpion beneath quadriga; fine
Aquilia: head of Valor, with pot helmet: rev., Manius
Aquilius assisting starving Sicily; very fine
Antestia: head of Pallas r. : rev., Jupiter Fulminator in
quadriga; fine
Atilia: Pallas r. : savan: rev., the Dioscurii to r. : m. atil. ;
very good
Calpurnia : heads of Apollo r., laureated: c-v-o-xx in
fields: revs., Cnaeus Calpurnius Piso on running horse to
r., bearing a spear of wheat: refers to his mission to
refill the Roman granaries: various letters in fields: all
different: fine; 5 pcs.
Carvilia: head of Apollo over a thunderbolt: rev., Jupiter
in quadriga: fine and one misstruck; 2 pcs.
Ccelia: head of Pallas 1., with winged helmet: rev., Vic¬
tory in a biga 1. ; very good
Cornelia : Pallas r., l. mania pro cos.: rev., Sulla in
quadriga; very fine
Cornelia: head of Juno r. : rev., three trophies between
lituus and praefericulum; fine
Cornelia: head of Jupiter 1.: rev., Jupiter Fulminator in
quadriga: dentellated; flue
Crepusia: head of Apollo r., with hasta: r., cavalier r.; fine
Fabia: veiled head of Cybele r. : rev., Victory in a biga:
stork on r. ; very fine
Fundania: head Pallas r. : rev., triumphal quadriga, a boy
on near horse: fund an; very good
Furia: head of Ceres between barley and wheat: brocco hi
vir: rev., curule chair between fasces; fine
Furia: head of Janus Bifrons: m. fouri l. f.: rev., Pallas
crowning a trophy; fine
Lucilia: Pallas r. in wreath: rev., Victory in biga; good
Marcia: Pallas r. : rev., Victory in biga over two spears of
wheat: fine
J+o 1042
%£ 1044
$jL 1048
)t 1049
LfQ 1054
$ 1055
Minucia: Pallas r.: a column between two priests: wheat
growing at base; fine
Minucia: Pallas r.: rev., the Dioscurii riding to right; fine
Naevia: head of Venus r.; rev., Victory in triga lvi above:
dentellated; very fine
Porcia: Pallas r. : Victory in biga r. : c. cato; fine
Roscia: head of Juno Sispita, in goat-skin, i\: rev., Hygeia
feeding a serpent: fabati; good
Quinctia: bust of Hercules with club 1.: rev., cavalier with
two horses, a mouse beneath; very good
Rubria: veiled head of Juno r. : rev., triumphal car with
four horses; very good
Rutilia: head of Pallas r. : rev.. Victory in biga: l. rutili;
very good
Saufeia: Pallas r. : rev., Victory in biga: l. sauf. ; very
Sentia: Pallas r. : rev., Jupiter in quadriga: l. senti. c. f.;
Servilia: bust of Pallas 1.: rev., Victory with long palm in
quadriga; very good
Sulpicia: veiled head of Vesta r. : rev., axe, dagger and
simpulum; very fine
Valeria: Pallas r. : rev., Victory in biga: c. yal. c. f.
flac; very good
Vibia: head of Apollo r. : antelope head in field: rev.,
Pallas with trophy in a quadriga; fine
Uncertain: Pallas r.: revs., Victory and Pallas in qua-
drigas; very good
(48 B. C.) Pompey Magnus: profile r. between lituus and
praefericulum: rev., Pompey with foot on a prow,
between Anapius and Amphinomous; good, but oxydized,
and not full planchet
(14 A. D.) Augustus: profile r.: rev., Victory on cistus
between serpents: Quinarius ; good
Ific 1058
/o 1060
$/S 1062
%rS 1063
Qj 1064
Zl 1065
Jo 1066
c 1067
Lj€> 1072
Augustus: fine profile r. : rev., Caius and Lucius with
shields, etc.; fine
(96 A. D.) Domitian: laureated profile r. : rev., Minerva
on a prow: owl at her feet; fine
Domitian: similar profiles: revs., Minerva r. and 1.: very
good: also Vespasian: rev., caduceus: fair; 3 pcs.
(138) Hadrian: fine bust r.: rev., Justice seated 1. ; fine
Hadrian : larger busts : rev., Eternity standing holds two
heads : across field ^eter. aug.; one without this inscrip¬
tion: very fine; 2 pcs.
(137) Sabina: bust r. : rev., Venus standing: veneri gen-
etrici: loop removed; fine
(16 1) Antoninus Pius : large and small profiles r. : revs.,
Happiness and Justice standing: fine; 2 pcs.
(180) Marcus Aurelius: large and small heads r. : revs.,
Pallas r.: good; 2 pcs.
(211) Septimius Severus: profiles r.: revs., Fortune seated,
Neptune standing: very good; 2 pcs.
(217) Caracalla: fine bearded profile r. : rev., Serapis 1.;
very fine
(222) Elagabalus: draped bust r. : rev., the Emperor offi¬
ciating as priest before an altar of the Sun: sacerd * dei *
solis • elagab •; very good
Elagabalus: nude and draped busts: revs., Mars, the Pacific
and a soldier standing: very fine; 2 pcs.
Elagabalus: differing busts: revs., Mars Victor, Liberty
and Emperor standing : army standards : fair to fine ;
4 pcs.
(235) Alexander Severus: very fine portrait r.: rev., the
Emperor sacrificing at an altar; very fine and sharp
Alexander Severus: similar type; equally fine
(238) Maximinus Pius: bust r.: rev., Max. between the
army standards; fine
(244) Gordianus III. : youthful busts r. : revs., Equity 1. :
the Emperor r. : fine ; 2 pcs.
/Jo 1075
/ *""01076
Lt 1077
-Vo 1078
l 1080
)h 1081
Vo 1082
Jlp .1086
/ S' 1087
3/5 1088
All very fine except otherwise noted.
1848 Austria: Ferd. I. seated under tree between two
females: rev., chariot drawn by Pegasii: 12 provincial
shields in outer circle: a beautifully executed medal; size
1864 Austria: an angel mourns over a tomb surrounded by
war trophies: rev., oak wreath, in memory of those who
died for their couutry: beautiful work; 44
1873 Germany: fine profile of the Kaiser: rev., the column
of Victory at Berlin: by Loos’ 38
1878 Germany: Hymen crowns the Emperor and Empress
on their golden wedding: rev., Prussian and Saxon arms
on acacia wreath: a very beautiful work by Loos : struck
on nickel-plated white metal; 38
1717 Russia: Peter the Great: by Du Vivier: on his visit
to Paris: 37
1839 Belgium: B. C. Dumortier: fine profile 1. by Le Clerq •
1769 France: Louis XV.: rev., a large palace: has been
corroded: very good; 40
1806 Napoleon, by Andrieu: rev., Nap. as Jupiter seated
on an eagle, hurls lightning at his enemies: for Jena; 26
1806 Napoleon: same obv. : rev., mailed knights placing
hands on fasces: Rhenish Confederation; 26
1809 “ Napoleo Magnus ”: profile r. with iron crown: rev.,
Victory with palm and thunderbolt: caesis caetis; 27
1811 Napoleon baptising the King of Rome: rev., mural
crowns of the 49 principal cities of the Empire; 43
1803-4-10 Napoleon: revs., a heron: Nap. on shield held
by soldier and senator: and before hymeneal altar with
M. Louise: minute silver medals: size 8; 3 pcs.
1810-11 Napoleon and son: one rev., boy with thunder¬
bolt: minute bronze medals: 9 and 12; 3 pcs.
Dutch Napoleon medal: Nap. on St. Helena: waae zal ik
ontkomen; 17
1815 Jerome Napoleon of Westphalia: electrotype ; 39
So 1090
/ 1091
3 1092
c 1 093
c 1094
So 1095
/© 1097
/ Bo 1099
1856 Nap. III. and Eugenie, jugata 1.: rev., birth of Nap.
IV.; 34
1832-79 Napoleon dynasty: medalets of its various mem¬
bers: brass (1 w.m.) with loops: 8 to 18; 15 pcs.
1702 England: Anne: busts 1.: rev., Vigo, and a church:
(latter brass, good) : 16; 2 pcs.
1731 George II., by Dassier: fine bust 1.: rev., 14 line in¬
scrip.; 26
1761 GEORGE THE THIRD: boyish profile r.: rev..
Victory inscribes a shield: total expulsion of tiie
french from india: Pondicherry taken: a medal seldom
offered; 24
1821 George IV.: coronation medal, by Pistrucci ; 22
1688-1720 James III. : “Pretender”: satirical, and a cast
medal on birth of his son Charles: 20, 25; 2 pcs.
1761 etc. Geo. III. coronation: Wm, and Anne: and
battle of Rosbach: yellow bronze: very good; 24-26;
3 pcs.
1739-41 Admiral Vernon: Cartagena and Porto Bello
medals: different types: very fine lot (1 good): 24: 4 pcs.
1864 Shakspere: fine bust 1., by Wyon Bros.: rev., mcgill
5742 Martin Folkes: profile r. : rev., Sphinx before pyra¬
mid: Masonic; 24
1772 Thomas Snelling: fine bust of the numismatist, by
Pingo: rev., Mervisti above wreath; 25
1794 “ Wm. Till, Wine and Spirit Merchant”: his card in
silver’ 18
Maria Theresa: bust r. : rev., inscrip, of Brussells Academy
of Sciences: very good: silver / 21
1831-46 Louis Philippe: Duke of Orleans: Wm. II.: Leo¬
pold I. and Swiss medals: fine lot: 15 to 20; 6 pcs.
1864 John Calvin, by II. Bovy : fine bust 1. with cap on
fur-collared gown: rev., a pulpit and inscriptions: on 3rd
Centennial of his death: similar to the very large medal
by A. Bovy; 38
1883 Lutheran 4th Centennial Jubilee: nickel-plated zinc;
&l 1107 Papal medals of Felix IV. and Paul IV.: if former is a
portrait, Felix must have been a gorilla: both cast: 28,
16; 2 pcs.
1108 Clement XIV., large bust r., by Cropanese : rev., the
• Saviour falling beneath the weight of His cross; 33
lip 1109 Pius IX.: bust 1.: one ir. frame: rev., tiara and keys: rev.,
(Ecumenical Council 1870: 23, 24; 2 pcs.
1110 1675 Christina of Sweden: fine portrait: rev., the sun:
cast; 22
/ 1111 Dan. O’Connel, Wellington and Fred. Josias of Saxe-Co-
burg: w.m. : lightly nicked: 28-32; 3 pcs.
1112 Papal and French medalets: brass: 8 to 17; 13 pcs.
3 L>
1113 Aegina (700 B. C.): Didrachm: sea tortoise the symbol of
Astarte: rev., punch mark of six compartments; fair
©1114 Aegina (480 B. C.) : Hemidrachm: land tortoise: rev., square
incusum divided into five parts; very good
J o 1115 Agrigentum, Sicily (412 B. C.): Tetradrachm : eagle to
left: AKPAC — 20TNA: rev., a crab; fine
J 116 Agrigentum (412 B. C.): Didrachm: same type as preced¬
ing; good
/ 5~£ 1117 Athens (480 B. C.) : Tetradrachm: head of Minerva: rev.,
owl, olive branch and crescent; very good
«3 5o1118 Athens (336 B. C.): Tetradrachm: similar type but ruder
execution; fine
I 5Si 119 Antioch, Syria (117 A. D.): Tetradrachm: of Trajan: bust
r. over eagle and club: rev., Antiochia seated places her
foot on a man: light scratches; fine
1120 Bruttium (200 B. C.): Drachm: bust of Victory r. : rev.,
Dionysius horned crowning himself and holds a thyrsus:
altar in field; fine
1121 Cales, Campania (300 B. C.): Didrachm: fine head of Pal¬
las r. : rev., Victory in biga 1.; very good
1122 Carthage, Africa (280 B. C.): Tetradrachm: head of Her¬
cules in lion-skin headdress as on Alexander’s coins: rev.,
bust of a horse 1.: date palm on r. ; very fine and thick
1123 Chios, Ionia (412 B. C.): Didrachm: sphinx before an
amphora: rev., punch mark: thick irregular planchet;
1124 Crotona, JBruttium (500 B. C.): Didrachm: tripod altar,
. crane on left : rev., incusum; fine
/ Crotona (500 B. C.): Didrachm: same type, but the crane
on right; very good
/ 1 1126 Dyrrachium, Illyria (350 B. C.): Didrachm: cow r. nurs¬
ing calf: rev., plan of the gardens of Alcinous: IT A and
club; very good
Sro 1127 Dyrrachium (100 B. C.): Drachms: similar types but with
Magistrate’s names Kallikrates, Meniskos, Dionysius and
Arxippos: very good; 3 pcs.
OH28 Egypt (282 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I.; fine pro¬
file r. : rev., eagle on thunderbolt; fine
2)o i 129 Gaul: Tetradrachm: copied from the types of Philip I. of
Macedon: laureated head r.; rev., man on horseback r.,
man beneath: a finer specimen than usually offered; fine
Jo 1130 Gaul: Tetradrachm: very rude copy of similar type: horse
to left; very fair
7 1131 Larissa, Thessaly (400 B. C.): Didrachm: f-faced head of
Larissa, daughter of Pelasgus: rev., horse grazing 1.;
1132 Larissa (400 B. C.): Didrachm: similar but larger head:
rev., horse grazing r.; very fair
1133 Macedonia (336 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Philip II.: laure¬
ated head r. : rev., man with palm on horseback: trident
beneath: pierced and two cuts (on rev.); very good
28 °1134 Macedonia (323 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Alexander the
Great; head r. in lion-skin: rev., Jupiter seated holds an
eagle: club in circle left field; fine
Zf'bo 1135 Macedonia: Tetradrachm of Alexr. Magnus: same type:
finer head: monogram in wreath left field; nearly as fine
as preceding
1136 Macedonia: Drachms of Alexr. Magnus: similar types:
differing symbols in fields: fine; 2 pcs.
?1137 Macedonia: Drachms of Alexr. Magnus: same types: dif¬
fering monograms: fine; 2 pcs.
' o 1138 Macedonia, First Province (capital Amphipolis) (146 B.C.).
Tetradrachm head of Artemis Tauropolis on shield i..
rev., club in oak weath, thunderbolt below; very good
*—0 H39 Macedonia: as a Homan Province (89 B.C.): Tetradrachm
of the Qua?stor Aesillas: head of Alexr. Magnus r. :
MA KEA 0 NON : rev., a club between chair and fiscus
(money chest): aesillas q. : all in olive wTreath; fine
3-&0 1140 Mytilene, Lesbos (480 B. C.): Bidrachm: two calves heads
vis-a-vis, a tree between: rev., square punch mark; fine
l - 1141 Neapolis, Campania (350 B. 0.): Didrachm: head of Par-
thenaper. : grapes to left: rev., Victory crowns man¬
headed bull; very good
o 1142 Parthia (52 A. D.): Drachm of Gotarzes: bearded profile
L: rev., king seated holds a bow; fine
1143 Phocis (346 B. C.): Ilemidrachm: head of a bull full-face:
rev., head of Apollo r. ; good
JPjJ 0 1144 Rhodes, Caria (300 B. C.): Didrachm: radiated full-faced
head of Helios, probably after the famous Colossus: rev.,
0 1145
1 148
Q/ ^ 1149
a rose : small statue in field : magistrate’s name, timotheus;
somewhat scraped, otherwise fine
Rhodes (170 B. C.): Hemidrachm: radiated profile of
Helios r. : rev., rose in square incusum; good
Sicyon, Achaia (336 B. C.): Hemidrachm: the chimera 1.:
rev., the sacred dove of Aphrodite; very good
Sinope, Paphlagonia (500 B. C.): Drachm: turreted head
1.: rev., a harpy eagle with extended wings, full-face: cut
on edge; fine
Syracuse, Sicily (478 B. C.): Tetradrachm, struck under
Gelon I.: head of Arethusa, with diadem of pearls on
loose flowing hair: dolphins surrounding: rev., Victory
over biga: obv. fine: rev. weak; fine
Syracuse (306 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Agathocles: head
of Ceres r. : HOP A 2: rev., Victory erecting a trophy:
triquetra in field: AFAQ0KAEI02 ; very good
Syria: Tetradrachm of Claudius; and Didrachm of Anto¬
ninus Pius: fair; 2 pcs.
Tarentum, Calabria (280 B. C.): Didraclim: Taras on a
dolphin casting a trident: owl: rev., boy on horse 1.:
ATKIN OC : fine
5 H52
I *+o 1155
-07 H56
2,7 o ns?
/ a — o 1 15S
tSi 159
-2o 1160
-2//o 1161
7 V-°1162
; go 1163
1 1 66
Tarentum (280 B. C.): Didrachm: feraale with distaff and
a plustre on a dolphin: rev., nude boy on horse r.: IAAO:
Tarentum: (200 B. C.): Didrachm: Taras on dolphin, holds
a victory and cornucopia: thunderbolt in field: rev., Cava¬
lier r. with three spears; veiy good
Thasos, Thrace (350 B. C.): Obolus: a satyr kneeling holds
a cantharus: rev., an amphora; flue
Thasos (200 B. C.): Tetradrachm: head of a bacchante r.:
rev., Hercules with club 1.: very good; broad
Thraco-Macedonia: Hemidrachms: rude heads r.: rev.,
bust of a bull r. : fine; 2 pcs.
Thrace (282 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Lysimachus: profile
r. with horn: rev., Pallas seated holds a Victory; very
good, several scratches
Thurium, Lucania (400 B. C.): Didrachm: head of Pallas
r. : rev., a bull r. : QOTPIQN : tunny-fish in ex.; good
Thurium (350 B. C.): Didrachm: head of Pallas: griffon
on helmet: rev., bull 1.; very good
Thurium (400 B. C.) : Obolus: type of preceding: laureated
helmet; good
Tyre (125 B. C.): Tetradrachm: head of Hercules r.: rev.,
an eagle with palm; very good
Tyre (50 B. C.): Tetradrachm: similar but ruder type;
very fair
Velia, Lucania (350 B. C.): Didrachm: head of Pallas 1.:
rev., lion overpowering a stag: very good
Velia (250 B. C.): Didrachm: head of Pallas r.: rev., a
lion walks r.: very good
Fine plated examples of Didrachms of Metapontum and
Tarentum: and cast counterfeit of Corinth; 3 pcs.
Pergamus (19 B. C.): Tetradrachm of Augustus: profile
r.: rev., the Temple of Rome and Augustus: com. asia:
very good, but not well centered